5. Overprotective

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My phone buzzes for what seems like the millionth time so I put down my paintbrush and wipe my hands on my pants to check it.

Another order.

This makes 15. Just today, the first day I posted and Kasei reposted it on her story...I know she has thousands of followers, but I'm shocked at the feedback nonetheless.

'hey all! Thanks for the love, but I'm going to have to stop orders until next week. Art takes time and you all only deserve the best❤️ add email updates so you get a notification when the shop opens up again! -dakota' is what I type out to put onto my story. I know I'll probably get some disappointed DMs but I can't keep going at the rate these orders are coming in. Three of the requested pieces are finished ones I did a while ago, but the rest I have to fix a little or completely make anew.

I put my phone back down and look back at the canvas critically.

"I think that shade of pink is a little dark." I muse out loud. I'm painting a pair of pointe shoes, but the picture she sent me doesn't match the color right.

I resist the urge to rip it all up, instead take a deep breath and add more white to the pink.

With most things in my life, I don't care too much. I let it be messy and chaotic because life isn't perfect so trying to make it is a waste of time, but with art, especially ones I'm selling for...well, a lot more than I think they're worth, I crave perfection.

My phone buzzes again, and I frown at it before I pick it up, but smile when I see it's a snap from Keila.

'hey wyd tonight?' she asks

I take a picture of my canvas. 'this painting is pissing me off but yay I got 15 orders in one day?'

'thats impressive asf, kots. And I think that looks great, but maybe take a step back from it if you're getting mad?'

'yeah..did you have any plans tonight?'

'i was gonna ask if you wanted to go clubbing.'

'YES. I'll convince kase cya soon.'

'great i'll be gettin ready :))'

I tuck my phone into my pocket excitedly and carefully wrap my palette so my freshly mixed paint doesn't spoil before bounding down the stairs, towards Kasei who is stretching in the living room.

She looks up at me. "You haven't said anything yet but I don't trust that face....what's going on?"

I feign being casual as I plop down on the sofa, scrolling through my phone. "Nothin. I got 15 orders today."

She gasps and stands up. "Dakota!! That's amazing!" She squeals. "We NEED to celebrate."

I smirk. "I agree, it's funny you say that because Keila is gonna be over in a few minutes ready to go to the club."

Kasei sighs. "What have I told you? I have to take it easy til NYCB. That means not drinking because then I'll be wasted ordering McDonald's at 2 am with you."

"Which, to be fair, is the best thing ever." I point out with a giggle.

"Okay well remember what happened a couple weeks ago when we went to the club?"

I look down. "I still feel guilty about that, okay? But at least you're fine and it gained you a boyfriend, so."

Kasei rolls her eyes. "You shouldn't feel guilty, I was an idiot. I just don't really wanna go to that club tonight."

"I guess I won't force you, but as your pushy but fun best friend, I must urge you to reconsider staying in tonight. We're young! We're hot! And we only can go to the club for a set amount of time before we get bored or old." I nod convincingly.

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