S5 Part 9 - This Nomu Sucks

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Back at the greenhouse...

(This is a quick scene of all OCs I just realized! 🙈😂 my babies!)

The doors to Monarch's greenhouse burst open and a flurry of leaves and petals welcomed Heller inside like a fairy king. Except, he did not appear to feel very kingly today.

He tossed his jacket off and then his sunglasses before stomping through the maze of green. That is, until Monarch stopped him.

"Who the hell raised you? An ape?!" Monarch scorned, "You just tossed your cape into my bushes! Was your mother as rude as you are?"

The butterfly man wore an all black suit, much too warm for the inside of his greenhouse. His shoulder pads opened up like flower petals and gave him an elegant orange accent to match his wings.

Heller slow turned, completely bare chested. The sun made his skin sparkle from slight perspiration. He gave his landlord a lazy grin.

A little dazed by his beauty, Monarch recomposed himself by stomping his dainty foot.

"Sorry, Mister," Heller cooed, "You make it much too warm in here to keep clothes on."

"Hmph. Your evil charms won't work on me," Monarch turned up his nose, "Though, you are blessed with the right to strut around naked, you will not litter and desecrate my space."

"Forgive me," Heller scooped up his things, "I am feeling off. And to answer your question, I didn't really have a mother, or father. So, an ape isn't a bad guess."

Monarch continued to glare until, slowly, he started to crack. His motherly instincts were much too powerful to ignore. He took a deep breath and...

Wrapped his arms around Heller's neck.

"You poor thing! No wonder you're a complete terror! I will be the tender, loving, nurturing presence your soul longs for!"

They almost reached each other in height, so the side of Monarch's face squished against Heller's.

"Hey - what?" Heller grunted.

"Yes! The brattiness and ego all make sense to me now," Monarch wiggled, "Ooo, I always wanted a princess, but to raise my own bad boy is so exciting!"

"You know I'm in my twenties..?" Heller asked.

"So, we have a lot to cover," Monarch pinched his cheeks before taking a step back. Heller was slightly taken aback, but didn't mind his flamboyant nature. It was refreshing and maybe even complimentary to his own.

"You're back early?" Asahi's orange hair peered around a tree. He was holding a hose in one hand and a ball of light in the other. "I wasn't expecting your ass back here until the next day. No ladies tickled your fancy?"

Heller aggressively rubbed the back of his neck, "Nah."

"Nah?!" Asahi approached his friend and abandoned the hose, "Nah? Are you sick or something?"

"I don't get sick."

"That's a lie but okay," Asahi scoffed, "I distinctly remember nursing your stupid cold for over a week."

Heller smiled, "Did you enjoy being at my beck and call? Or was it the honor of stationing at my bedside?"

Monarch snorted, "You have your hands full with this lunk, don't you?"

"Yes! Because of his giant, ungrateful ass!" Asahi fumed, "Buuuuuut... that aside. Why aren't you still at the show?"

"Yes," Monarch joined in, "Did you see (Y/N) there?"

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