S5 Part 5 - Friendsgiving

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Annoyed with yourself, you opted on flying back without Hawks' help this time. If, somehow, someone was able to see up your dress from this height, then you'd charge them later.

The scowl on your face must have been pretty horrid, because Hawks took notice. A large feather flew right into your face and woke you from your grumpy spell.

"Hey! You're a pro now. You can't let a little disappointment throw you off," he called from through the air roaring past your ears.

"I... you're right," you huffed, "I just wish I could use these pheromones better. It's like they work best when I don't want them to."

"I learn new tricks all the time. We can still figure it out," he smiled, flying beside you now, "You're a student 'till the day you die. And after that if you believe in eternity."

"Yes, old, wise bird," you chuckled, "Thanks."

"And it wasn't a waste. Dabi's just extra shady, and sadly we might have to do something else dramatic to convince him. Offering him a blow job was pretty slick, though."

"I wasn't really going to..." you pursed your lips.

He raised a brow, still smirking, "Is that offer still on the table, ooooor?"

"Stop!" You giggled and smacked his shoulder, "We probably should have let him take me. If I'm wearing these trackers I could've taken you straight to Tomura."

You watched your reflections moving on the side of a tall building covered in glass Windows. He looked so hot in black and red, you wanted to die. You didn't look bad yourself, though. Together, you were...

"I want that to be the last resort," Hawks said.

You turned your head. His brow furrowed, "It's not a bad idea but I can't shake the feeling that their next attempt to keep you will be their last. As in, I won't be able to get to you."

"We've gotten me out a couple times now," You winked, but he didn't seem to be humored. It was a relief that he didn't like the idea, actually, because you weren't sure you were ready for that. Dabi felt like a separate entity from the League; the people you grew to actually enjoy. Sometimes.

"I know you're a tough cookie," he scoffed, "But cookies can burn too. One hero against a League is a lot. You should know from your experience with Overhaul."

"That was pretty horrible..." you shook your head, remembering clearly, "Even when we had the manpower, we almost lost."

"Plus, I think they've found a way to teleport again."

"But Kurogiri's locked up?"

Hawks glared ahead, "I was listening for Dabi when he left the club. He was there and then he wasn't. Might be the same gunk that teleported you to AFO in Kamino."

"Gross," you grimaced, "So... they have someone else on their team we haven't seen? We didn't do any teleporting last time I was with them."

"Maybe. If they're growing in numbers that's something we need to know. Anyway, I think Dabi was just blowing smoke for now. Pretty sure all he wanted to do tonight was get in your head," Hawks explained, "We'll get 'em. But, uh, I guess that brings us to something unrelated that I wanted to talk about."


His side glance was telling, "You split your energy with Heller, right? Why? You didn't seem to want it at all before."

"Why?" You tilted your head. This was a bit sudden, "Um... I guess at the time I thought that was best. I gave him what we wanted without leaving me unable to fight him, just in case he ever betrayed me. He's tough. Plus I figured he'd take more than I told him to, so I gave him a line to cross..."

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