S5 Part 24 - Baku-Stay

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You tried making it through the rest of dinner without Dabi on your mind.


But it wasn't impossible that he could be a Todoroki.

Dabi had always been covered in scars but you never thought to wonder for how long. And his eyes! Every time you saw Endeavor's sapphire gaze, you imagined Dabi's.

But what could you do with this very possible discovery?

His family would be devastated. It didn't absolve his crimes, but could you potentially save Dabi from destroying himself further..?

More importantly, Dabi had made a target of his family multiple times now. Was he on some revenge path? Endeavor wasn't the nicest father for them growing up, and it still affected the other siblings.

You had to be sure he was Touya. To protect the Todoroki's. And if possible, save Touya from himself?


Didn't he try to kill you last time? Indirectly? But still.

Screw him!

You helped Fuyumi clear the table while Izuku took out the trash and Bakugo and Shoto washed dishes. No one was particularly chatty - except when Bakugo critiqued Shoto's cleaning technique.

Even if you were plagued by thoughts of hot, scarred villains, being around the top three of your class was still nice. Bakugo wanted to get to his sleep routine but you walked with him outside. He looked cute bundled up in his thick sweater.

Maybe cute wasn't the word... manly?

"So, how's Shinso actually doing?" Bakugo asked suddenly.


After the last mission, the two of you hadn't interacted much. There were lots of glances and longing stares while at the agency, if that counted.

"He's got a long ways to go, but so do I," you said.

"Hmph... What about you? Have you finally come to your senses?"

He stopped at the gates of Todoroki's property. It had been a little while since you had a moment alone with Bakugo. The way you ended things felt pretty certain; he cared about you but you were focused on vengeance and cults at the time.

Now Izaya was dealt with...

The moon made his blond hair look white and glowing in the night. "What's standing in your way now?" He asked.

"To what?"

"To me."

You smiled at first until you realized he wasn't the least bit humored. His red eyes bore into yours and you felt him moving closer.

"Katsuki? I thought that..."

"You think I'm a damn robot or something? It still hurts, you know. I can focus and get shit done but doesn't mean I don't think about you leaving that day."

He let out a breath that formed a cloud in the cold air. "I can see it in your eyes. You want to come back... I'M NOT JUST TALKING ABOUT ME, IDIOT! You miss everyone!"

You giggled, thinking he was just being prideful again. "Of course I do. And things have changed, but I'm still involved. What I have to do next is complicated."

Ruining The League of Villains from the inside...

"Is it Hawks? He making you do shit you don't want to?" He asked.

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