S5 Part 22 - You're Done

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You didn't wait. Letting him think of a way to kill you? No thanks.

With little effort, you leapt from the balcony and flew toward him. You were hoping to be fast enough and knock him out right there, but the man had an entire armory hidden in that jacket of his.

Trickster grinned, flashing four sharp blades in one hand and throwing them at you all at once. You shut your wings to avoid tearing them and rolled once you hit the ground.

"Darling, not even a scream?" He asked, "I'm sure that one hurt."

You didn't know what he was talking about at first until you saw the knife sticking out of your thigh. It barely made it off to the side. The pain hadn't registered until the blood flowed.

"Egh..." It hurt more pulling it out. You were bleeding quite a bit but you had the energy to heal yourself easy. How much had you bled tonight already?

The next knives he aimed were blown off course by your wings, but that had been too risky. Instead of fanning them out, he seemed to be aiming them all for your head.

The head and the heart... Heller's warning suddenly humbled you back to reality. You were powerful but not immortal.

"I thought you were the little kitty cat at first," Trickster snickered, "He was right on my trail until he got a little... distracted."

He fiddled with something small and black in his free hand, and the room was flooded with screams. Roaring, agonizing screams synced with some techno bullshit broke your eardrums and shook the walls.


He just smiled. The "little kitty" he mentioned had to be Shinso. You gulped. Shinso had gotten stronger. Darker. More confident. His spirit was in several pieces and you witnessed him trying to pull it back together. But hearing this gods-awful music was going to push Shinso back into his memories of Stefano Valentini.

You understood the cruelty of that trauma quite well.

He shared a little about his experience as a captive. While much of Stefano's twisted and imaginative torture hadn't been physically done to him, he had to hear what happened to the other victims.

I need to find him...

"I really hoped we could create something beautiful together!" Trickster's handsome face finally started to crack; revealing how nasty he was inside. "Such a waste to gut you without recording the moment forever!"

"Shut up..." you mumbled.

You ripped one of the chairs from the rows of your invisible audience and threw it. Direct hit. Trickster cried as the metal and cushions knocked him back against the wall. The place was run-down anyway. No need to fret over excessive property damage.

Trickster spat blood from his mouth as he forced himself back up. "Ha... You bitch... Now I'm annoyed."

You raised a brow. "Oh, no? Things not working out for you tonight?"

"Heh... you're still here, aren't you? I've heard your voice," he purred, "It lacks sincerity and offends me deeply. But I know how to dig it out of you... A demon can surely last a whole album!"

He paused. "You can endure my critiques with a quirk like yours. My blade and your screams- but you'll survive, song after song, unlike the other birds. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

"... Yeah, no. Your music sucks and you're nuts," you said, pretty much done with his loony rambling, "I think a permanent hiatus in order?"

His eyes flared with rage. It was time to end it. You kicked off the ground again, tearing through the air like a jet. Trickster's snarl became a chuckle as you drew near. It wasn't until your speed came to a colossal halt did you understand why.

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