S5 Part 14 - Confessions

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"I... have something to tell you guys."

Denki was sandwiched between his friends on the couch. The party was dead but you had all lingered in the graveyard of your festivities. Aizawa had fallen asleep, but woke at the mood changing in degrees.

You were still standing with Shoto by your side. As soon as Denki spoke to the quiet room, your insides started dancing around. What exactly was his plan..?

"Are you gonna tell us why you went emo on us?" Mineta asked, "I bet you get more ladies like that."

"Ha..." Denki laughed weakly, "Uh, so... huge elephant in the room. The reason I'm not with you guys right now is because..."

Oh. Shit?

"I messed up," he said, "I got tangled in with some bad people, you know, like the idiot I am. I wanted to be cool in middle school, but the bad connections I made followed me here. I wanted to be a hero, and I thought maybe if I was one I wouldn't be afraid anymore, but I'm still a coward."

Everyone went deathly quiet. You glanced at Aizawa and Shinso, both watched him with shock on their faces, but no one stopped him. In fact, you thought you saw Aizawa start to grin.

"One guy in specific sells information..." Denki was shaking, "He started asking me for our school schedules, specifically All Might's whereabouts. I thought... if anyone could handle any bad stuff if would be the symbol of peace. So I didn't really worry about it. But obviously I was wrong."

Realization hit everyone at the same time. You could see the same look in their eyes as when Denki first revealed this to you. You had been mad at him for a long time, but right now, your heart went out to him.

The least you could do before he was murdered by Bakugo.

".......... YOU WHAT?!"

Aizawa had his scarf ready to restrain Bakugo as he leapt over the couch. The blond writhed like a wild animal in a net. "Those bastards found us because of you?! Wait..."

His red eyes slid in your direction, and murder filled him veins.

"You put (Y/N) in danger," his voice came out low and calm. That seemed to make a few others inch closer too.

"You're the traitor..?" Kirishima's spirits plummeted.

"This whole time?" Mineta's tiny shoulders drooped, "but why?!"

Denki kept his eyes on the ground, "I know that changes our friendship but I couldn't leave tonight without saying something. The guilt is killing me. You don't have to listen to me anymore or forgive me but I'm sorry. I know I suck, but I do care about my friends... I didn't want anyone to get hurt."

So many eyes were brimming with tears. You could tell this was confusing and frustrating for some. Sero and Kirishima, who sat beside him, both had to look at the ground as well. Kirishima's hands were clenched so tight you thought he might break his own fingers.

"Kaminari..." Momo held a hand to her mouth.

"This is a lot..." Uraraka mumbled, "I mean, did you stop after what happened at the camp?"

"I tried. That's when I... sort of..." his eyes lifted to you, "If you were at the big hero party, you know (Y/N) and I..."

"I was going to leave," you cut in. Denki blinked and everyone else tried to keep up with the drama. Aizawa just sighed, this not surprisingly him at all.

"Overhaul threatened my godfather," if Denki was going down, you may as well too, "He wanted me in some dumb scheme for power and used Monarch's life to get me to cooperate. Denki got to me first."

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