S5 Part 13 - Happy Christmas!

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"What..?" You stared dumbly at Monoma, who for some reason, was still at your front door.

"Interns," he said, "Did you sleep in too late or something? So lazy and incompetent. I must have the wrong place."

You glanced at Mina, who was still smiling but also looking guilty. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for him to overhear me..."

Mina's big mouth... but I love her.

"I'm not taking interns..." you said, "And if I was, I wouldn't take you. Not you, Mina. You could join."

"To be fair, Monoma didn't have any other offers," Mina shrugged, "Neither did I... so pick me please!"

Interns? You could hardly handle your current schedule! You laughed, finding the idea quite ridiculous, "I don't actually think I'm qualified to take anyone on?"

Monoma crossed his arms, but did his best to not reveal if he felt rejected or not, "Ha! I knew this was a scam. But I suppose then it would be up to Monarch and not you."

"He has his hands full!" You thought of Botan, Asahi, Heller, the mimes, and Hebira. Monarch had Hornet here to help out but adding two more students to the mix sounded messy. "Is this really why you guys came out here?" You asked.

Mina waved frantically behind Monoma, finally just shoving him out of the way, "Actually, I came to invite you to our Christmas party! I even brought you an adorbs outfit! This creep just followed me."

She handed you a red and white, fur trimmed jacket with a matching hat.

"Christmas party?" You asked.

"Girl, I know you're busy but you didn't forget Christmas?!"

Yup. You did.

"Ha! Can't even keep track of the days," Monoma shook his head, "I definitely don't wan-"

"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE, THEN!" You unleashed your inner Bakugo.

"Like I said, he has nowhere to go," Mina giggled mischievously, while Monoma slowly died inside. "Everyone else got their work studies, a second time around too! Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugo are with freaking Endeavor and you're with Hawks! I'm starting to feel a little jealous."

You sighed, still not loving the idea of you and Monoma hanging out. But this had to be a major step for him, considering he would rather die than grovel in front of you.

"Tis the season, I'll try to stomach the idea of granting Monoma an audience with Monarch..." you said.

Mina squealed, "All I care about is if I'm considered! Hehe!"

While you debated how to tell Monarch you wanted him to adopt even more of your friends, you got Monoma and Mina a drink; the very least for walking all the way here and not just calling.

Heller had disappeared for a spell but returned to the kitchen looking for the big bag of chips. He tore open the pack, making a painfully sharp sound pulling plastic, and crunched into his snack. "Pinky. Hey, baby," he greeted.

Mina exploded like a cherry, "Squeeeeeeeeeeee..... hi!"

He smirked, licking salt off his lip, "I didn't know your delicious friends were coming over, kijo."

"I didn't either," you said, "Is Monarch still around?"

"I think he's either at a yoga class or shopping. Lost track."

You nodded, no time like the present, "I should talk to Hornet too... I'll be back."

As you walked away, Mina took this chance to admire Heller's very shirtless body. Monoma had a rather pensive gaze when observing the male, "How do you have abs when you eat like that?" he asked.

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