The Others

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The place was huge, an entire indoor water park, and it looked like it was split into two sections.  He went down a deactivated escalator, the place was much bigger on ground level. The slides twisted and turned, it looked fun. What was odd though was the whole place seemed to be running like it was in use, but it wasn't.

He came closer to the pool, it was deep in one end and shallow in the other. Unexpectedly something moved in the water. He stepped back from the edge. He spotted something lurking in the deep end, it looked like a fish. But then it moved, coming closer to the surface, getting and bigger and bigger. 

Gregory turned and ran, going into the second part of the water park, hearing splashing behind him from the water. The lighting turned a more warm yellow color, like that of a swamp. The whole area was swamp-themed actually. Was this also Monty's territory?

He stopped running and looked around, what was this place. A remote splash startled him, sending him backward into the water. The current carried him further into the bayou-like waters. He struggled to keep himself afloat, realizing that he had never learned to swim. 

He was carried into a large lake-like pool, artificial bald cypress trees covered in Spanish moss stood in the waters. He tried to swim towards the edge, but only splashed around, the weight of his clothes dragging him down. He heard another splash, but closer. Then felt something swim by. He began to panic.

He started to tire out, getting light-headed from exhaustion and anxiety. He went under the water, the surface getting further and further away. 

Suddenly he resurfaced, gasping for air. Being pulled to the edge by something. He was dragged up onto the ledge, breathing heavily, he couldn't tell if he was crying or if it was water dripping down his face.

"Kid are you alright? Can you hear me?" an unknown voice asked concerned.

He looked up, all he saw was a blurred greenish blob. He blinked, his vision clearing up. He backed up, it looked like Monty or at least some version of him.

"W-who are you?" he asked, terrified that he might be ripped apart like Bonnie.

"Take it easy, you almost just drowned kid." The unknown reptile talked calmly, definitely wasn't Monty, "I'm Cody, Cody the Crocodile."

"A crocodile?" Gregory coughed.

"Yes, this is my Bayou, I'm the lifeguard," Cody explained.

"I didn't know there were others..." Gregory asked himself.

"Others? What do you mean by that?" Cody questioned.

"Well, I just thought that the Glamrocks were the only animatronics here and the daycare attendants," Gregory explained, finally calming down.

"Wait you know the Glamrocks?!" Cody was startled.

"Yeah, wait you haven't been in the main part of the mall before?"

"No, we've been stuck here, on the other side of the construction, it was supposed to be opened awhile back, but as you can see, it never was."

Cody helped Gregory up, giving him a towel to dry off. Gregory took the time to look at him. He looked like a smaller version of Monty, except the green was a different shade and his snout was smaller, a few teeth sticking out too. He had a short fluff of dark green hair and wore blue swim trunks with a wave pattern. Lastly, he wore an arm brace with a lifeguard symbol.

"Wait what do you mean by 'we'?" Gregory registered the reptile's word choice.

"Follow me."

Cody led him back to the main part of the water park. He went to the water's edge and whistled. The creature from the depth showed up again, but when it reached the surface, it turned out to be a seal.

"Hey Sammy, think you could gather the others?" 

"Sure thing!" the seal looked at Gregory, "sorry for spooking you earlier, we don't get visitors." She then disappeared under the water.

"Sammy is another lifeguard here, but for the younger kids, she gets around using a tunnel system for the water filtering." Cody quickly explained, sitting on one of the deckchairs.

They made small talk until Sammy returned, followed by footsteps coming from another part of the water park. Three animal-themed robots stood before Gregory. But before he could ask questions.

"LET'S GOOOO!!!!" a shout came from the top floor, another animatronic vaulted over the railing on a skateboard, accomplishing a kickflip before grinding on a handrail and landing.

"Dude, you're such a showoff," Sammy commented from the pool.

"Alright time for introductions." Cody intervened before any fighting could start.

The first one up was a punk rock-themed goat named Ace, he was fairly tall but looked like he could throw a car. He was mainly silent and was in charge of the small casino on the second floor.

Next was a Mexican-themed rooster named Rico, he was supposed to be taken to El Chips to be a waiter, but no one came for him. 

A friendly jester-looking Lion bounded up to Gregory, "Hello new friend! I'm Cloud, are you gonna stay here for a while, if you do we could draw, make puppets, or I could teach you how to juggle!" Cloud was supposed to be added to the daycare, but just like Rico was also left behind.

Lastly was the robot who skated in. She was about the size of the average adult but dressed like a teen. She was a grey rabbit, sort of. During production, there was an error in her model. However, instead of fixing it, an employee substituted the missing parts using another animatronic model base.

"This is Don, she runs the skating rink up on the second floor," Cody informed.

Gregory was surprised that there was other animatronics but felt bad that they never get to perform or see any kids. They must've been lonely, he understood how that felt, but at least they had each other. 

"Why don't you guys ever go past the construction?" Gregory asked, curious.

"We don't know how the main stars will react" Rico answered,  he had a semi-thick accent.

"Well they're pretty nice, well beside Monty, but other than that they'd love to meet you," Gregory assured them.

They looked at each other, seeing what the other one thought. It didn't seem like such a bad idea. 

"I guess we could, but we'd have to leave at closing time," Don admitted.

The others agreed.

"Say, why are you here in the first place?" Cody asked what everyone else was thinking.

"I sort of live here now I guess? Freddy told me to find a place to hide for the day."

"So he's taking care of you," Ace spoke, his voice was extremely deep like he had acid on his vocals.

Gregory nodded, a little startled.

"Aw, well at least you're not on the streets," Cloud commented, trying to see the bright side of things.

It had been a few hours since Gregory found the forgotten gang, or what they so-called themselves. They weren't all that bad, they were nice actually. Don could play the electric guitar like a beast and had an amazing voice. Ace could sing heavy metal if he wanted to, but he barely spoke really. Rico knew how to salsa, and Cloud came up with some really fun games to pass the time. Cody and Sammy were good swimmers, fast ones too.

Gregory wondered how the others would think of them. It was Monty he was worried about. Suddenly he remember what he had been doing. He needed to get Bonnie's head back. But he needed to make sure Monty wouldn't find out, and wouldn't try to harm Bonnie again. Maybe these guys could help him.

"Hey, guys?" here went nothing.

"Yeah, little dude?" Cody looked up from playing poker with Ace.

"Do you think you could help me with something, I'm trying to bring back an old friend but I've run into a problem," Gregory began, "I need help getting a box from someone, but he's aggressive."

"I can handle it." Ace put down his hand of cards, "We'll leave as soon as the place closes."

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