Nefarious Returns

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A stranger walked among the crowded entertainment franchise. Who they were, only a few knew. They adjusted their hat to hide as much of their face as possible. Their green eyes glanced around quickly, trying to make sure they avoided the main security. 

Their reason for being there was simple. Finish what they started.

"HEY!" a voice yelled from behind.

They quickly glimpsed back to see security advancing on them. Swiftly, yet effortlessly, they ducked into another crowd. Blending in, they entered an area they had never seen before. Since when did this place have a water park, they squinted in confusion.

They ducked into a darker area, it was mostly filled with young kids and teens. It was a skating rink, a fairly decent-sized one too. They already could see the potential in making it a trap. 

"Excuse me, can I help you?" someone asked, causing the stranger to turn on their heels.

They were faced with a rabbit, an oddly short one, now things were even more confusing. They took note of the rabbit's features, light grey-purple fur, hair was done up in a ponytail, blue eyes, and fangs....well that was odd.

"M'am?" It asked again, definitely was female.

"No I'm alright, sorry this is just my first time visiting," the stranger answered.

The rabbit seemed to think for a moment, not sure if to believe their response.

"Well welcome to the Mega Pizza Plex, I'm Don the rabbit," Don introduced, "this is my skating place where kids and teens can hang and skate, adult hours start at four and end at six." They emphasized the last part, seeming to not trust the lady already. 

"Well, I'll be going then, thanks." the lady exited the rink before they could be asked any more questions. However, Don was one step ahead.

The lady continued through the new area, only being stopped in her tracks.

"Sorry M'am, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the premises," A Goat blocked her path, and he didn't seem too pleased.

"Ok, I'll leave," she huffed in annoyance, not bothering to argue with this one, these new guys were making it hard for her to carry out her plan.

She made her way back towards the main atrium, she could tell she was being followed. Making a quick turn she saw an Employee only door, to her luck, and the company's poor staff behavior, it was unlocked. She ducked inside before the goat could see her.

Using her phone light she made her way down the dark halls, knowing exactly where to go. She passed by many storage boxes, slowing her pace to remain silent as she went through the area. She stopped, gradually stepping over a piece of metal that uncannily resembled some version of Monty's tail, only tripled in size. She didn't bother or dare to look over at the owner. She picked her pace up again as she turned a corner.

 The familiar glow of the Christmas lights she found for her hideaway welcomed her home. She pocketed her phone and ran her fingers along the walls covered in drawings. A strange sensation crept along her skin. A smile tugged at her lips as she gazed at the nearby table. She gently picked up the serrated blade, running a single finger along the edge, careful not to cut herself.

An ominous glow caught her attention. She moved trance-like towards the mask, its permanent grin and red eyes invited her to put it on. In which she did.

"I can hear you..." she mumbled, seeming to be talking with someone despite being alone.

Or was she.

"I understand...No, I won't let it happen again... I won't disappoint you...I'll finish the job."

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