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Gregory walked through the crowds, currently wandering away from the group. He looked around, noting how many kids were there, how many parents seemed to care about them even if they were bratty.

He didn't care all too much about making friends, he didn't need too, he already had friends. But he would overhear Chica every now and then comment about him having kids his age to play with rather than just the band members.

He sighed at that thought, maybe she was right. But he didn't feel like trying to start a conversation at the moment with some random person.

He continued moving through the crowd, a sense of being watched slowly edging its way to the back of his neck.

He looked behind him, but saw no one.

He moved on, maybe it was just how crowded it was. He moved into a more open space area, less people were around now. He pressed up against a wall, still feeling like someone was watching him. He peeked out from around the corner.

There was no one he recognized in the crowd, everyone seemed unfamiliar. He glanced past a women with a hat on.


He moved himself to be concealed further behind the wall as a precaution. It couldn't be.

He squinted, trying to make out any noticeable details. At that moment someone bumped into her, causing the hat to tilt slightly.

She seemed agitated with who ran into her, going off on them. But that gave Gregory time to spot the few locks of hair that had fallen out from the hat. Those familiar blond locks, the ones that he'd thought he'd never see again. The ones that gave him nightmares so many times after he escaped.

It was her.


Gregory quickly turned and ducked into a moving crowd. He took his chance while she was distracted and worked his way back to the group. His heart racing the whole time.

Freddy had noticed Gregory wandered off, the others helping to look for him.

Just then Gregory sprinted towards the bear, the look of fear evident on the boys face.

Freddy knelt down to his level, concerned on what spooked the boy so badly.

"Gregory what's wrong?" The bear asked, worry in his voice.

"V-Vanessa, she's here." Gregory whimpered, tears pricking his eyes.

The sound of the old guard's name sent shivers down the groups spines. Monty was the most petrified at the moment. He seemed to be on the verge of some kind of anxiety attack.

Roxy noticed the reptile's reaction and quickly, yet silently, went to calm him down.

Freddy picked up the boy, holding him close for reassurance. Bonnie seemed confused slightly, unsure of how he should react to what was going on.

"Where did you see her?" Freddy asked, wanting to try and find a safe route to take the gang back to their rooms.

"Second floor of the Atrium, near Bonnie Bowl," Gregory sniffled, calming down slightly.

Freddy nodded, signaling for everyone to follow.

While making their way back Bonnie walked next to Freddy, trying to figure out what was going on.

"What's so bad about Vanessa?" The bunny whispered, not really remembering much about her.

Freddy glanced at him, "she was trying to get Gregory the night he got trapped here, for reasons I do not know," he whispered back, "but she wasn't nice to began with." He added, seeming a little unnerved by some thought of his own.

Bonnie gave a nod, understanding for the most part.

The group reached Rockstar Row, immediately ducking into their rooms for safety. Monty dashed to his, making sure the door was locked before he curled up on his couch, his tail wrapping around him for protection, he was still a little shaken. Chica headed to her room after Roxy gave her a crushing hug, as if she would somehow never see her again.

Freddy entered his, Bonnie following. Gregory had tired out from the adrenaline wearing off, dozing off in the bears arms.

Freddy sat down on the couch, Bonnie as well on the other end. The bear noticed the boy was asleep, giving a worried sigh.

"It's going to be ok Fred, everyone is safe now," Bonnie reassured.

The bear gave a small nod, still worried however. Bonnie sighed and leaned over, wrapping his arms around the bear before pulling him close and laying back. Freddy sighed, but was more content now, relaxing into Bonnie's fur.

"You worry too much sometimes," Bonnie mumbled, trying to lighten the mood.

For now the scare was over, but it still left many on edge. Especially Monty, who by now had gone into rest mode still curled up. He seemed to be the most terrified of her compared to everyone else.

Those were the thoughts that ran through Bonnie's mind while he played with Freddy's hair. Why would the gator be terrified, after all he was the one who- Bonnie shook his head, despite what had happened he never fully believed Monty would do something like that, he wanted to doubt his friend would. But the more he thought, the more he came to dead ends, except one tiny detail he thought didn't matter, until now.

"Hey Freddy?" Bonnie asked, looking down at the bear.

The bear gave a hum, tilting his head slightly.

"What color are Monty's eyes? I never can tell with his shades."

"They're red," the bear stated, "why you ask?"

"Just curious," Bonnie replied.

But really, he only got his assumption confirmed. Monty's eyes weren't red that night. He remembered when the gator's shades tilted off his snout at one point. Those eyes that held death, the ones that he feared, they were far from red. They were a dark and pulsing purple, the kind that just radiated evil.

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