Didn't See That Coming

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"What are we going to do?" Gregory had been trying to think of something for hours it seemed, but couldn't find a way to get the eyes safely. 

"I might have an idea, " Ace spoke up, "but you need to trust me on this."

Seeing no other option at the moment, Gregory agreed.

Gregory stood at Monty's door, he could hear the reptile raging still, how long did he do that for even.  He took a deep breath, positioning himself to be ready to run. He banged on the door, hearing the noise stop. The door swung open.

"You!" Monty roared, taking a swing at Gregory, but missing.

Gregory darted off, Monty chasing after him. The gator's steps vibrated the ground, it felt like he was being chased by a dinosaur or something. He entered the main atrium, swinging himself up an escalator. He went to the second floor, Monty close behind. 

He kept running, Monty starting to gain on him, where was Ace. Suddenly he heard the sound of something colliding, he turned around just in time to see it.

Ace came out of nowhere, ramming directly into Monty, sending him over the railing. Monty's scream as he fell echoed throughout the place, followed by a loud thud.

"THAT WAS YOUR PLAN!?" Gregory was exasperated.

"He's not that damaged, but he's knocked out, for now." Ace made his way down, Gregory rushing to catch up.

When they came up to Monty he didn't look too bad, luckily. Ace took hold of his arms, dragging him back in the direction of parts and service. Gregory followed, glancing back every so often to make sure they weren't seen or followed.

They made it back, Ace began setting Monty up for the eye transplant. Gregory got into position, he did this before, but with it being Mony, he was tense. Ace gave him a nod, signaling that everything was ready, Gregory began the procedure. 

Gregory let out a shaky breath he hadn't noticed he was holding, he was done. Ace Lugged Monty toward a door that had the gator's symbol on it, taking him back up to his room. Gregory took Bonnie's eyes and easily popped them into the sockets. It still looked creepy but not as much.

Ace came back and helped Grgeogry put the body in the protective cylinder before getting ready to attach the head. They worked fast to get everything done. Once the final wire was connected they ran a final diagnostic. Everything seemed fine. But nothing happened, Bonnie was still.

"Are we missing something?" Gregory asked, poking the bunny's nose.

Suddenly there was a twitch from one ear, Gregory stepped back, hiding behind Ace slightly.  Bonnie blinked, taking in a deep breath.

"Where am I?" Bonnie sat up, looking around for a bit.

He spotted Ace, he gave a confused looked. He attempted to get up, stumbling a bit before gaining his balance. Ace gave him a hand, leading out into the open.

"Hate to be rude, but who are you exactly? And how did I get here?" Bonnie questioned.

Instead of answering Ace turned to look back at Gregory, after all, it was the kid's plan. Bonnie spotted Gregory, baffled about why there was a kid down here. Gregory came closer, Bonnie seemed nice, he reminded him of Freddy.

"I'm Gregory, and this is Ace," Gregory spoke for them both, "we repaired you."

Bonnie still seemed dazed, did he not remember what happened maybe. He looked around the place, his eyes landing on the doors on the far-off end that lead to his friend's rooms. His ears drooped, a look of dread washed over his face, like something haunting resurfaced. 

"So it wasn't a dream after all..." he looked to be in disbelief.

"Do you remember what happened?" Gregory asked.

"Yes.." the rabbit looked down, a look of pain on his face.

Ace rested a  hand on Bonnie's shoulder in reassurance, causing him to look up, "That gator won't be causing any problems as long as this kid's around, he's got guts," Ace gave a genuine chuckle, "besides I'm pretty sure he's gonna be sore for a few days."

Gregory elbowed his stomach, glaring at the goat. Only earning another chuckle from him.

"We should probably get you to the bowling alley, we got a few hours before the place opens," Gregory stated, already leading the way.

On the walk there Gregory explained everything that had happened since Bonnie went missing. He seemed pretty disappointed about a lot of things but also shocked about hearing what happened to Gregory. 

"They were hunting you?!" Bonnie couldn't believe that even Chica tried to kill this kid.

"All except Freddy, he helped me escape," Gregory stated.

Upon hearing the familiar name Bonnie glanced over towards the main stage, remembering his performances with the bear. Would he remember him even? 

The familiarity of the bowling alley allowed Bonnie to feel a sense of security, it didn't seem like anyone came up there anymore. Ace didn't stay for long, seeing that his job was done, said farewell to the rabbit, telling Gregory he'd see him later. 

"How, if you don't mind me asking, did you find out what happened to me?" Bonnie asked, sitting down on the edge of his stage.

"I asked around and explored some places," Gregory shrugged, not wanting to give too many details.

"You are definitely a determined kid." Bonnie laughed.

Suddenly, Gregory felt his watch vibrate, it was a message from Freddy. He completely forgot to check in with him. 

"You ok?" Bonnie asked, noticing Gregory panic slightly.

"I might've forgotten to tell Freddy that I was going to do something.." another message came through, "and he's on his way to my location, now."

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