The Park is Open

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It was time. The Pizza Plex opened finally, as well as the new section. There was a grand announcement after the first show, stating the grand opening of the new water park, casino, and skating rink.

It was a huge hit.

Unexpectedly the Glamrocks were allowed to free roam into the area. Freddy went immediately to Don's place; he hadn't been able to hear from Gregory in a while and was starting to get worried.

The place was fairly packed; however, it was rush hour. Freddy looked into the rink but didn't see Don. The sound of cheers and awes came from the other part of her attraction. He walked closer to the noise, seeing a bunch of teens with skateboards watching someone. That someone was Don, it seemed she was showing off.

"Yo this rabbit gots some moves!" a boy exclaimed.

Freddy did have to agree, she did have some skills and serious speed. She zoomed past the bear, going up a half-pipe and doing a handstand on the edge at the top before dropping back in.

Don eventually came to a stop, saying goodbye to the group as she headed back to her green room. Freddy caught up with her as she walked.

"Oh, hey Freddy!" she seemed content.

"Hello Don, how's your first day going?"

"It's awesome!"

They entered her room after she invited him in as well. Before he could ask anything, she knocked a little pattern on the door to the charging station area. Gregory walked out soon after.

"Gregory, there you are!"

Gregory ran up to Freddy, being picked up in a hug," Hi dad!"

The bear smiled, hearing the new title. However, he was reminded of some rather important news. He looked at Don, who was currently tuning her guitar. He could tell her later with Bonnie, for now, she should have fun today.

Gregory had his face buried in the bear's shoulder, "why are you so soft," his muffled voice made Freddy laugh.

Freddy put Gregory back down, allowing him to go over to Don's vanity and mess around with some toys she got for him.

"Well, I'm glad your first day is going good," Freddy spoke, "How about everyone else?"

Don sat down her guitar, "Everyone seems to be doing rather well, I checked on them earlier before the crowd came in."

Freddy gave a satisfied smile.

"So how you liking the new upgrades?" Don questioned, noticing that the bear did seem rather fluffy now.

"I must say I do enjoy the new look." He took a glance at her vanity, brushing back some loose hair with his hand.

Don chuckled, "I bet Bonnie does too."

He rolled his eyes.

"I'll be taking Gregory with me now, he'll be back before closing time," Freddy informed.

Don nodded, looks like she was the kid's babysitter now.

Freddy snatched Gregrou up and exited her room. Don sighed as she watched the father-son duo leave her skating rink. She turned her attention back to her guitar again, going back to practicing.

Gregory looked around at the bustling water park and mall outlets as Freddy carried him. 

"Where are we going?" Gregory asked, still looking around.

"Just figured we could go visit our new friends and see how they're doing for ourselves," Freddy replied.

Gregory gave a hum in response, getting distracted by a group of teens laughing about something. Freddy stopped by the poolside, they waved at Sam who was currently teaching a young girl to swim. Sam waved back and smiled. They proceeded into the Bayou, being greeted with Cody on a Flowrider. Surprisingly he was good at surfing, a small crowd watched as he pulled a few tricks. He waved once he spotted the bear and Gregory, giving them a toothy grin.

The duo moved on, seems the water folk was doing good. They couldn't visit Ace due to him being in the casino. Gregory did suggest sneaking him in, but Freddy didn't want to take a chance on getting caught, especially Gregory.

They exited the water park and headed to El Chips, Rico should be working. They entered the restaurant, it was surprisingly busier than usual. Rico came out from behind the counter and greeted them.

"Senior Freddy y Gregory, que sorpresa!" Rico exclaimed.

Gregory had no idea what the rooster just said and stared at him blankly.

"Hello Rico, we were just checking up on how everyone is doing," Freddy explained.

"I see, well business here is muy bueno, I've never expected such a crowd." His tail feathers fluffed out in excitement, he finally was happy.

Another group of customers walked in, Rico bid farewell as he went to do his job.

Freddy and Gregory left, heading toward the daycare. The daycare was rather crazier than normal. It could be that the new addition, Cloud, made the kids curious and excited. Or the possible turf war that was currently going on between Sun and Moon and a bunch of kids. Cloud was actually outside the walls and upon the overlook near the slide entrance.

"Hey, cloud- what on earth is going on?" Freddy asked, a little concerned.

"Oh hey Freddy, hey Gregory," Cloud greeted, looking over his shoulder, "It appears that Sun and Moon have decided to start some sort of war...and the kids are also involved somewhat," Cloud explained the best he could, still not fully understanding what was going on himself.

"Oh, well hopefully they sort it out soon, parents might get concerned." Freddy talked more so to himself.

"ten bucks Moon will win," Gregory stated, watching the scene play out down below.

"Gregory no betting, you're too young," Freddy said.

Gregory gave a huff.

Freddy bid farewell, and good luck, to Cloud, heading back to the main atrium. It was good to see everyone acclimating well with the place being opened up, it made him happy. He was also glad Gregory had someone to watch him now in case he couldn't. 

They walked around the Pizza Plex for quite a while, eventually running into Roxy and the others. Bonnie joined them a while later after rush hour finally ended, surprising the bear a little when he gave him a peck on the cheek. 

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