Plan of Action

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His time away from Freddy and Gregory was spent with Don. Bonnie became worried about her after Cody was put out of commission. It wasn't until he first went to go check on her did he realize something was up. Something like that would easily traumatize a child, but machines were different.

She was distant for a while, staring off into the distance. Eventually, he got her to talk about what happened. It was hard for her to watch something like that, her friend turned Feral. It left more questions than answers, the initial fear rising again.

"Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise." Bonnie held her close, afraid of losing anyone.

A knock on the door pulled both their attention. Freddy entered, a serious sense to the bear. Bonnie studied him, a stoic presence stood in the room, his eyes were soft but held fury. No words were spoken, but they weren't needed. Both rabbits stood up, following Freddy out of the room. 

The walk was silent, the Pizza Plex now held an eerie fog suffocating the air. The click of a door opening brought Bonnie back from his thoughts. They were gathered in the main office, all of them. Chica and Roxy stood to the side, for once both were quiet. Monty stood over by a desk, he glanced at them when entering before avoiding eye contact. Surprisingly Sun and Moon were also gathered, even more so to see a slightly damaged Moon. 

Don shuffled off to a corner, Gregory leaning back into one of the office chairs. 

"Alright everyone, I suppose you're all wondering why I asked you all to come here," Freddy spoke, his tone serious, "with recent events it is clear that Vanny has returned and has been endangering those we care about."

A long pause hung in the air.

"I have decided that this will continue no more," Everyone curiously looked at him, "I want everyone to either station themselves by an exit or find a safe space until said otherwise. I myself am going to hunt down Vanny."

His last words caused the room to erupt with confused gasps and 'whats'. 

"You can't just go by yourself you could get killed!" Roxy yelled.

"It is a risk I'm willing to take if it means an end to all of this." He kept a calm composer.

"We want this to stop just as bad as you, but it doesn't mean you have to sacrifice yourself." Chica's voice was cracking between words.

"You're not going to face that lady by yourself alright, it's a suicide mission Fazbear." Monty was wide-eyed at the idea.

"It's the only choice we have-"

"No, it's the only choice you have," Bonnie spoke up. His voice was deathly calm but sharp, "I understand that you don't want to lose anyone else, but we aren't going to lose you because you want to be the hero, I am not going to lose you because of that."

A silent agreement came from the others, outnumbering the original plan. Freddy let out a long sigh.

"If you truly want to stop Vanny, then we do this together." Bonnie rested a hand on the bear's shoulder.

"Trust me, we're all tired of the bitch's bullshit."

"Monty!" Sun scolded.

A soft silence filled the room. No one really knew how to stop Vanny, let alone find her. It seemed that the meeting was for nothing, without a plan there was no hope.

"Well, anyone got any ideas?" Roxy shuffled.

"We could try to draw her out, like trap her," Chica suggested.

"How would we trap her? I mean she probably has access to the security feed." Monty countered.

"Could use the vents," Moon mumbled.

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