It's About Time (fluff)

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Freddy entered the bowling alley. The atmosphere seemed different, it was more tranquil. He walked through the main hall, spotting Bonnie down at the lanes playing a practice game.

He walked down quietly, wanting to surprise the rabbit. He was only a few steps away now. Bonnie rolled the ball, watching intensely as it hit the pins, only two stood remaining. He turned to go get another ball, being immediately startled.

"Geeze Freddy!" Bonnie jumped, laughing a bit.

Freddy chuckled, "sorry not sorry."

"Very funny Mr. Fazbear," Bonnie rolled his eyes.

 "I uh, brought you something."

Freddy took out the Bowtie that Gregory had found, he managed to restore it to its original state. 

"Is that- I thought I would never see it again." Bonnie was generally distraught about not being able to find his bowtie. He cherished it the day Freddy gave it to him.

"May I?" The bear asked.

Bonnie nodded, Freddy came close, gently flipping up the collar of the rabbit's shirt before putting the bowtie around his neck, adjusting it to size. He flipped the collar back down, straightening the bowtie one last time.

"There." Freddy smiled.

"Thank you," Bonnie could feel his stomach twist slightly, "You w-wanna play?"

"Sure, I've been waiting to beat you for a while." Freddy gave a playful, yet competitive, smirk.

"Oh dream on Superstar." Bonnie rolled his eyes, putting on a pair of gloves he kept handy for when he played seriously.

They had played five games so far, currently, Bonnie was in the lead, but only by two points.

"I gotta say, you definitely have been working on your game." Bonnie chuckled, he was rather impressed.

"I told you I've been waiting to beat you." Freddy glanced at him as he rolled the ball.

The score was close by the last game. But peruse, Bonnie won. 

"Not bad, I wasn't expecting the score to be apart by only a few points," Bonnie commented, taking off his gloves.

Freddy was a little disappointed he didn't win, but it still felt good just to play with his pal again. He found himself staring at the rabbit, he couldn't help himself.

"You good there?" Bonnie caught him.

"Oh- uh, yeah." Freddy looked away, 

Bonnie's ears were drooped, in a relaxed manner. He walked up to the bear, he could still feel his nervousness as he got closer. 

"Are you ok? You seem a little off." Bonnie raised a brow.

"I could ask you the same thing." Freddy looked at him.

The two were fairly close to each other, starring at the other for an answer.

"Uh, I-" Bonnie began, "I have s-something to tell you."

Freddy's ears perked up in curiosity.

"I- When this place opened-" Bonnie looked down, he was struggling to form a sentence.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up for a second, seeing Freddy giving a patient smile. Bonnie could feel himself zoning out.

"I- I-," he started to get frustrated with himself, "Damit, I like you!" he blurted.

He was taken aback by his own words. 

 He felt the bear's hand move from his shoulder up to his cheek. Gently caressing it. He was slightly startled by the sudden touch. Meeting the other's gaze he could see the happiness and surprise in those bright blue eyes. 

He could feel himself leaning in closer. Like an invisible force was pulling him in. By now their faces were only a few inches apart. 

"I like you too," Freddy responded before closing the space in between them. 

Bonnie was prompt to reciprocate, melting into the kiss. It was quick but simple and full of love. The kind that says, 'Where have you been all my life.'

As soon as it happened, it was over. They stood there in silence, Freddy's arms wrapped around the rabbit's waist, Bonnie had his arms around the bear's neck. It took a few seconds for the expression on Bonnie's face to change from realization to embarrassment. He buried his face in the crook of Freddy's neck, receiving a soft chuckle from the bear.

Bonnie mumbled something, but it was muffled. 

"What was that?" Freddy questioned.

Bonnie looked at the bear in the eyes, "D-does this mean were...a thing?"

"I suppose it does," he looked at the flustered bunny, "that's if you want to."

"YES!, I-I mean, I- yes," Bonnie stuttered, his ears perking up with eagerness.

Freddy gave him a peck on the forehead before letting him go. Much to Bonnie's dismay though, he whined in response.

"It's 4 am, we should probably make sure everyone's still alive Bon," Freddy stated, noting how quiet things had been.

"Fine," Bonnie agreed, his ears flattening in a pouting manner.

"We could go back to my room afterward," The bear offered.

"Alright let's go!." Bonnie's attitude improving. 

Freddy took his hand and walked out of the bowling alley toward Fazcade, hopefully, everything was fine and not on fire. 

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