Bowling Bunnies

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Bonnie and Don made their way to the Bowling Alley. They were stopped a few times by some of the guests wanting pictures, but Don didn't mind. 

Finally, they made it, it wasn't busy yet, which gave Bonnie time to go change back into his bowling uniform.

Don walked around the place a bit, she liked the esthetic. It was calm and quiet, minus the music playing and the sound of the lanes.

Bonnie joined up with her at one of the lanes.

"You know how to bowl?" He asked, setting up a scoreboard.

"Nope," she replied.

"Well, I'm gonna teach you," his ears perked up.

He gave her one of the bowling balls that rolled out of the machine. He helped her get a good stance and walked her through the technic.

She let go of the ball, watching as it rolled down the lane. It knocked down four pins.

"Hey not bad for your first throw, try to knock the rest down." Bonnie applauded.

She picked up another ball and aimed, changing her direction to the right a bit. She let go as her arm swing forward, the ball rolling down and knocking down the rest.

"I did it!" Don exclaimed.

"Awesome Job! You got the spare!" He ruffled her hair, "ready to play a few rounds?"

"You bet!"

They played 3 rounds, occasionally people come in and out and play their games. Bonnie would occasionally take breaks and visit with kids and teach them the rules. Don worked on her game mainly, until a little girl came up to her.

"Excuse Mrs. Rabbit?" Don looked down at the girl.

"Hello little Rockstar," she kneeled, being her level now easily, "how may I help you?"

The girl giggled at the little nickname, "I have a question."

"Oh, and what might that be?" Don's ears perked up in curiosity.

The girl came closer and whispered, "Are you and Bonnie family?"

The question caught her off guard, "Uh, I'm not sure, I'm new here." She nervously admitted.

"Oh ok! Well, I'm Alice." The little girl smiled.

"I'm Don."

Over by another lane a woman called for the girl, it looked like her mother. Alice said goodbye and ran off.

"What was that about?" Bonnie asked coming back over to her.

"Oh, she was just asking a question." Don rolled another bowing ball down the lane.

"About what?" His ears bent curiously.

"Oh you know, just kids being kids." Don was slightly avoiding the question.

"Oh come on, it couldn't be that bad." Bonnie pressed.

"Fiiiine," she groaned turning to look at him," she asked if you and I were family."

"Oh, well that's a reasonable assumption." He shrugged.

"What do you mean?" She didn't understand.

"Well, you and I are both rabbits." He stated.

She went quiet, looking at her hands, "but rabbits don't have claws..." she whispered.

Bonnie's ears twitched at her quiet voice, he looked over at her. She looked confused, scared, unsure, maybe even angry. He remembered that behavior from Roxy, insecurities. 

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