Helping Hoof

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Finally, the place closed, Gregory headed back to the main area, Ace following closely. They made it to Rockstar Row, it seemed like everyone was in their rooms. 

"You stay here while I go talk to Freddy, I'll come back when the coast is clear." Gregory gave him the rundown.

Ace nodded, ducking into the shadows.

Gregory headed into Freddy's room, suddenly being picked up and bear-hugged.

"There you are Superstar!" Freddy seemed his happy self.

"Hey Freddy."

Freddy set him down, checking to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"How was your day?" Freddy asked.

"It was good, what about you?"

"My day was excellent."

Gregory headed over to the couch, sitting down for a bit before he made his next move.

"Is everything ok?" Freddy asked, "you act like you're up to something."

"Nope, everything's fine, just glad that it's the end of the day."

"Well alright then," he headed to the back room, "I have to recharge for a bit, don't cause any trouble"

Once he disappeared Gregory headed back out of the room, finding Ace in the shadows, being very ominous. 

"Alright follow me, " Gregory whispered.

They came to a vent up on the wall.

"Think you could give me a lift?"

Ace picked him up, allow him to crawl into the vent shaft.

"I need you to cause a distraction to lure out the one in the green room," Gregory stated, receiving a stern nod from the goat.

Gregory crawled his way toward the vent that entered Monty's room. Monty was definitely in there, once again wrecking the place. Then there was a knock on the door. Monty stopped and went to it, swinging it open, but to be met with nothing.

Monty stepped out, "Who the hell is there!?" he hissed.

That was the signal, quickly, and quietly, Gregory took the vent cover off. He hopped down and dashed for the backroom. He found the box and went back to the vent. He had tossed up the box when he heard Monty coming back. He struggled to pull himself up, the sound of the gator getting closer. 

Monty entered the room, looking around at how recked it was. He slammed the door shut, going back to his rampage. From the vent Gregory was trying to catch his breath, he used what strength he had to hoist himself up, and being under pressure didn't help.

However he got the box, the plan worked. He shuffled his way through the vents, reaching the area he entered from. 

"Ace, where are you?" Gregory whispered.

Ace emerged from the shadows, helping Gregory down. Gregory gave Ace the box to carry, it started to become heavy for him, while they headed down to parts and services. Ace seemed a little more cautious, probably due to it being his first time outside the water park. 

Gregory booted up the computer again, checking to see what needed to do with the head. After a bit of reading, he came up with nothing. He read again, but again nothing. He read the error messages, trying to figure out what he needed to do. 

"I think you need to reattach the head separately." Ace stated.

Gregory looked at Ace, who was holding Bonnie's head. 

"Don't worry, I'm used to seeing decapitated bots." Ace joked in a monotone voice, setting the head down on a desk.

He took a look at the monitor, seeing the errors.

"May I do something?" Ace glanced at Gregory for approval, he nodded.

Ace typed a few things, editing the production protocols. The system started back up, finishing the body. He stepped away from the monitor and picked the head up, placing it in a small machine. 

Gregory watched Ace work, he didn't know that he could repair other robots. A little alarm alerted the two that the body had been completed. Not long after Ace came back with the head which looked not as scuffed up as it did before. 

"We just need the eyes." Ace stated.

Gregory looked back at the monitor, looking for something about that. He searched for a while before coming across something.

"Slight problem," Gregory remarked.

Ace set the head down again, his ears perking up in interest.

"Monty has his eyes..."

Ace stared at him for a second before walking over to a toolbox.

'What are you doing?"

"Going to get the eyes," He pulled out a crowbar.

"Ace! we can't just wreck him, as much as I want to, people would notice him being gone." Gregory went over and took the crowbar away from the goat. 

"We need the eyes, but we would need replacements for Monty then."

Ace grunted, a little disappointed, but tried to think of some other solution to help Gregory get the parts.

"Maybe's there something here that can help, we haven't looked around much." Gregory shuffled off, looking through some storage bins.

Ace did the same.

"I found something, " Ace called from across the room.

Gregory scrambled over, Ace held up a pair orange colored eyes, they were in a rather good condition too.

"Perfect!" Gregory exclaimed, "now we just need a plan to switch them."

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