The Meeting

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The show was amazing, Gregory was glad he stayed for it. He stepped away from the railing and quickly ran towards the green rooms. He ducked behind a wall to avoid a security guard, that was close. He continued, getting there in record time. He saw that Freddy's door was open, a cleaning bot was inside doing some sweeping. 

Gregory ducked inside and went to the back room to wait for Freddy to come up from parts and service. 

Then it dawned on him. 

The others were down there. 

He entered the elevator and headed down. He made sure not to be seen by anyone, with all the technicians busy doing system checks on the news guys, it was easy to get by. He heard the band getting closer. The technicians finished up quickly and left. The manager guy came in and waited with them.

Freddy was the first one to enter, his eyes immediately went wide. The others followed suit, also freezing at the scene. Bonnie was shocked but recognized Ace and wave. Ace in return gave a nod.

"Excellent performance everybody, you all did amazing," the manager praised, "Oh and before I forget welcome back Bonnie, everyone here missed you."

The manager stepped aside a little bit allowing the gang to get a better look at the newcomers.

"Glamrocks, meet the newest additions to the Pizza Plex," He began, "A new section will be opened to the public soon and that's where these guys reside. But they don't exactly have first-hand experience with guests, even with their programming. So I'll be assigning each of you a new member to mentor." He gave a glance at Monty, even he knew about the Gator's antics.

The band looked a little shocked and unsure about this plan at the same time. 

"Now I know what you're thinking, but you guys have the rest of the week off, so you don't have to worry about rehearsals." he informed, "does anyone have any questions?"

Roxy raised her hand immediately.

"Yes, Roxy."

"Who are they even?" She seemed slightly annoyed but confused still.

"Ah yes, introductions. When I call your name will you please step forward?" He glanced at the others, "Ace."

The goat stepped forward, giving a nod in hello.


The rooster stepped up, "Hola Mi Amigos, it is a pleasure to meet you all." his accent seemed much smoother, maybe he got an upgrade.


The lion bounced up, "Hello! New Friends!" his tail swished excitedly, a little bell jingling each movement.

"Ah yes, I'll have to take you to the daycare to meet Sun and Moon." The manager mumbled to himself.

"Alright next is Sammy."

There was a tap next to them. In a class cylinder tube in the wall was the seal. She waved at them with her flipper, floating in the water tube.

"She and Cody are lifeguards to the new water park, speaking of which, Cody would you step forward."

Cody came forward, a little nervous as he felt the much larger Gator stare at him, " U-uh Hi," he tucked his tail out of reflex.

"Lastly is Don." 

She came forward, Ace stepping to the side to let her be up and center. She was shorter than the rest, which made the Glamrocks perplexed. Well, that and the fact that she looked like a mix between Bonnie and Freddy.

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