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The roaring sounds of engines were the first thing to hear when entering Roxy's Raceway. The wolf always got pumped up when visiting. She wanted to be the best, she was the best. At least that's what she told herself.

Ace didn't want to admit it, but she did have a cool attraction. The open road theme gave him Las Vegas vibes.

"Alright goat, I'll show you how things are done around here." She was slightly smug.

Ace just remained stoned face, he didn't care all that much about being there at the moment. He wasn't exactly meant to be around kids anyways.

"Not a talker huh? Wouldn't blame ya, a voice like that would likely give anyone a heart attack." She teased.

"I'm not meant for kids." Ace stated bluntly.

"Uh, yeah, you are, we all are." She argued.

"Highly doubt a ten-year-old is allowed into a casino." He narrowed his eyes.

"Wait, you have a casino!?" Her ears perked up in interest.

He just nodded, giving a blank expression.

"Well, that explains the poker face." She rolled her eyes at him.

Ace laughed a little, confusing Roxy.

"What's so funny?"

"You seriously didn't realize what you said?" He stifled another chuckle.

"No, I- oh, OH!" Roxy busted out laughing herself.

A few people were looking at them, perplexed about what they found amusing. Roxy's tail was wagging in delight.

"I didn't even know you could laugh," she playfully punched him in the shoulder.

"Eh, none of us have a sense of humor really, that and we don't joke around a lot." He sighed, clearing his throat.

"You guys sound so boring, how have you survived this long without dying of boredom," Roxy dramatically remarked.

He shrugged, looking over towards the raceway as a few go-karts flew by.

"You wanna race?" She offered, although it was more so a demand.

"I have no idea how, but sure."

She led them over to the garages, opening the doors. She managed to flag down an employee to see how many racers were up next.

"Hey Roxy, you got a new friend?" They glanced at Ace.

"Yeah, I'm gonna show him how I do things around here, I need the count for the next racers." She asked.

The employee checked a tablet that they had with them, "looks like five, you can go ahead and take your karts to the starting line."

Roxy have a nod, dismissing the employee.

"Alright hop in that one over there and I'll give you a quick rundown on how to drive."

Ace got in the nearby kart, Roxy immediately pointed and explained the functions of each peddle and other moving parts.

"Alright I think I got it, are there any rules?" He asked.

"Well there is one rule," she got in her kart, starting it up, "win!" She hit the gas and sped out of the garage.

Ace followed soon after, meeting up with her at the starting line. The other racers got in their karts too, some saying hi to Roxy others greeted Ace.

Roxy glanced over at Ace, giving a smug smirk, "ready to eat my dust?" She teased.

"In your dreams," Ace snapped back.

The countdown began.

 three...two... one!

The karts raced down the track, already Ace and Roxy ahead of the others. Ace remained close on her tail, pulling a few drifts around turns to gain more acceleration.

Roxy was impressed and surprised by his skills as a newbie. She didn't expect him to be behind her... and gaining.

She punched the gas hard, picking up speed as she turned a sharp corner. They both entered the tunnel portion of the track, the sound of the engines echoing off the rock-like walls.

They zoomed out at lighting speed, both going over the line, two more laps left. By now the other racers couldn't be seen, granted, everyone knew that Roxy gets competitive when racing. Which was why there was now a reward for the first person to beat her.

So far, no one had won it.

They passed over the line again, final lap. Ace was right next to Roxy now, he gave her a pompous grin.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing, a newbie was beating her. She could hear people shouting her name, cheering her on. But she also heard people chanting "goat", they were rooting for Ace too.

They came around the bend, the finish line in sight. It got closer and closer, then it was behind them. But who won?

They both rolled into the pit area, getting out as two employees checked the karts over for any damage.

Ace and a Roxy stood at the photo finish board, a crowd gathered around as well. The air grew tense as they waited to see the results.

Then it popped up.

"I can't believe it," Roxy whispered in disbelief.

She turned to Ace, she didn't feel angry, or jealous. No, she got excited and slightly proud of the newbie.

"ACE YOU WON!" Roxy pulled him into a hug, the crowd losing their minds over the fact that someone beat Roxy.

A few employees came by to calm the crowd, one patted Ace's shoulder. He turned and looked, seeing that they held up a trophy.

"Go on man, you won it fair and square," Roxy encouraged, her tail wagging.

Ace accepted the trophy, the crowd applauding his win.

'Maybe losing isn't all that bad.' Roxy thought to herself, thinking about how happy people would be if they could win too.

Roxy and Ace sat outside the Glamrock Beauty Salon, making small talk. It was mostly Roxy doing the talking.

"I still can't believe you beat me, what's your secret." She poked him.

"It's called driving."

"Oh ha ha," she rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Roxy!" They both looked up to see Chica and Rico coming over.

"Hey Chick," Roxy grinned, letting Chica sit next to her.

"Woah amigo, what's with the trophy," Rico asked.

"He beat me at a race," Roxy admitted.

"No way! That's like, never happened before!" Chica was shocked.

"Yeah but he's a good racer." Roxy commended.

"Thanks, and you're still top dog here, it's your raceway." Ace remarked.

Roxy rolled her eyes, the others laughing a little.

"Hey what time is our next show," Roxy looked over at Chica.

"I think we have one at five, but I'm not sure."

"We should probably go confirm that so we won't run out of time." Roxy got up and stretched.

"Well come on, I'm not going by myself," she stated, seeing no one else budge from their seats.

The others got up and followed, Chica being next to Roxy. She was going on about something, but Roxy didn't seem to mind.

"They're good for each other aren't they," Rico whispered to Ace.

Ace gave a nod, rolling his eyes at the rooster's childish comment.

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