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Quick steps rushed their way to the Bayou, the screams of distress getting louder.

"All security report to section B-2!" A frantic voice came over the intercoms.

Almost instantly high-level security bots activated and came from backroom storage.

However, Don was the first one on the scene.

A crimson red tainted the waters, meeting her eyes. In the water itself, an employee was being death-rolled by Cody. Her mind twisted at the scene, her own friend attempting to drown someone, the very thing they were meant to prevent. 

Don stood frozen, unable to look away. If she had a stomach she would've thrown up by now.

Nearby employees readied to tase the out-of-control machine, their negligence risking the safety of the victim within its jaws. Just before they aimed their tasers a loud bang echoed on the other side of a wall. Then another, getting louder and closer. Suddenly a large figure busted through a set of doors, almost taking them off their hinges. It barrelled itself on one four towards the pool.

The new figure was quick to jump into the water, ripping Cody off of the employee and dragging him under. Attention was now on the water. The injured employee was dragged out, being treated immediately with applied pressure to stop the serious blood loss before losing consciousness. 

Suddenly the unknown figure surfaced, thrashing around with a much more damaged Cody in its mouth. It was another Crocodile, only much larger and threatening in appearance.

"What the hell is that thing!?" a staff member shrieked, petrified by the unknown animatronic.

Cody was slung out of the pool, hitting a wall, an arm noticeably missing now. The larger reptile dragged itself out of the water, easily towering over everyone. 

No one moved, not until Mr. Wensly showed up.

Upon entering he was frozen from shock but quickly recovered in the means for the half mutilated employee. He helped put the victim on a stretcher, directing staff to rush them to the entrance.  He turned his attention to the mangled lifeguard, a concerned thought crossing his mind. 

He contacted maintenance,  informing them to come by and fully shut down Cody before moving him to parts and service. Something was corrupting the coding, and possibly turning the kid-friendly mascots hostile, something the company didn't need to happen.

Before he left for himself he walked toward the larger crocodile with caution, its towering form remaining still. He didn't recognize the model at all, it had more of a Heavy Metal type look to it almost. it stared down at the man, water dripping off its body. It let out a low hiss before turning suddenly, disappearing through the doors it came from, back down into the depths of the mall.

After the life-threatening occurrence, everyone else got to work closing off the Bayou to the public. Wensly went to go sort out information with paramedics, and possibly come up with a reason to the public as to why the Bayou is now closed.

Don sat alone in her room, trying to block out the image she saw. Her friend had turned feral, they had to have been tampered with as well. How long was it before she herself turned into a monster? 

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