Chapter I

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I scrambled up the ivy covered steps, my silver armour creating sparks and being scratched, the beast tore my horse headed helmet off which went clanging down the steps, the beast still advanced its jaws dribbled with opaque saliva, it was dribbling in between its teeth, and off its black tipped tongue and dripped onto the floor, I dragged my unicorn horned sword out of my leather scabbard, the beast didn't hesitate but it kept its white clouded lenses locked onto me, the leather ebony creature let out a high pitched squeal causing me to press my hands to my ears, but the beast soon pressed its huge clawed paws onto my chest squashing my armour as if it were nothing.

I soon screamed out and it echoed around the ruin of the palace, I looked at the black chandelier that used to hold candles on the cracked ceiling, the chain had been diseased with decay,so instead of thrusting my aciculated gleaming blade into the beasts thick leather skinned head, I threw my sword at the chain which broke and it tumbled down from the ceiling, the point buried itself into the foul creatures back, the point had travelled all the way through it and tapped my armour. I sighed a sigh of relief and just laughed to myself, then pushed the beast off the steps and it tumbled onto the ground with a thud.

I sat up and then clicked my arm back into place as the beast had dislocated it as it leant its weight on me, I then stalked down the stairs and retrieved my helmet with the horse hair plume which fell down the neck of my helmet and body of my armour. My fidgeting jet black great winged pegasus reared up and neighed aloud as it saw me emerge from the ruin, I was fine but covered in raven black blood,he acted like a dog whose owner who had just returned from a long journey, even though I had been fighting for most of the night.

"Easy boy" I told him stroking his nose and throwing a golden apple into the air and my horse reared up onto his sturdy back legs and flicked his wavy mane into the air as he caught the apple and flicked his wavy tail out as he landed on the ground again, he then lowered his wings and I clambered on to his back, bareback. He began to gallop through the wood and we came to the end of the hill where he used the warm draft of the afternoon to push us up into the sky, we flew over Bagend, Rivendell and Erebor before landing outside the Rohan gates, the guards opened them and my pegasus bolted through streets with his hooves clattering and clamouring all the way to the palace.

We galloped up the steps, where Theodon The King of Rohan came out to meet me. "Abrax it's nice to finally meet you" he greeted me shaking my hand. "I've heard so much about you" he added, I kept my helmet on till we walked into the palace. "Everyone meet Abrax" he introduced me.

I then removed my helmet and everyone gasped. "You're a woman!" One of the generals exclaimed.

"Yes" I nodded.

"Is it true you took on a whole group of Orcs by yourself and you killed them all?" Another man asked.

"Yes that was me" I replied.

"Also was you the one was who fought the giant spiders on the south of Middle Earth?" Another quizzed me.

"Yes" I answered unclipping the metal glove on my hand, then rolling up the leather sleeve of my coat and showed the scar where the spider inserted its fang into my arm. "I had to suck the venom out myself" she said making the men look at her in awe.

"Now I am paying you to help clear the Orcs away from my city as they've been too close to the borders recently" Theodon explained.

"When do we leave?" I asked a little eager as I don't really like to settle in a city, I prefer to roam in the woods and stay in my cabin with the stables connected to it.

"Now if you wish, but wouldn't you like to rest, something to eat or drink perhaps" he offered.

"I am fine. Assemble your best men and get them to meet me at the gates" I ordered, so I padded to my beast, I threw an apple at him and he caught it, crunching it in his strong jaw, the juice of the apple dripped out of his mouth, I jumped onto his back and we dived off the point skimming the rooves of the town houses, we then touched down at the gates where I saw the army galloping down from the palace stables and down the steep hill.

When they finally got there we galloped off and I rode with one hand intertwined in my Pegasus' mane the other balancing my sword, we came to the border and the Orcs were already there on their Wargs, so my Pegasus and I flew up into the sky and we did a sweep of the land. I could hear the horses neighing and galloping in anticipation to their enemy, but then my eye was caught by a group of Dwarves running across it and I noticed one dressed in blue and leather with long brown hair shot a Warg above him with an arrow and killed it. 'Brave move' I thought.

But another Dwarf pointed up to me thinking I must've been a threat, and the Dwarf began shooting at me, so we flew down dodging the arrows, we galloped past them as we touched down. So I dismounted my Pegasus and began to fight hand to hand with the Orcs and Wargs. A Warg charged at me but all I did was snap its jaw off with one pull with my hands.

I sliced a Wargs stomach open, the Orcs soon advanced on us their blades flashing trying to intimidate us, but I decapitated the Orc who was crouched in front of me, it's black blood leaking out of wounds from already being injured.

It roared and I just threw my dagger into its head, I saw my Pegasus kicking and biting Orcs, but the Dwarf in blue ran over to my Pegasus and tried to calm him down and tried to get on his back, I would've warned him that his bite is venomous but I didn't get the chance as an Orc pushed me onto the ground, and sat astride over my armour trying to stab me but it only deflected the sword as it was so strong, by the time we had finished the battle, the Rohan riders and their horses were smothered in black blood.

I gazed over to the Dwarf who was trying to get my Pegasus to calm down, but he collapsed, my Pegasus trotted over to me, I was about to turn my back on him when one of them spoke up.

"Hey horse soldier" One called, I turned around. "Yeah you!" he added. I strutted over.

"What did your Pegasus do to him?" Another asked who had a log for a shield on his arm.

"He bit him and my Pegasus is venomous, you see under that thick tail of his is a scorpions tail, but its not as venomous as his bite" I explained.

"Can you save him?" One asked with a horn in his ear.

"Yes" I answered. "I will have to suck the venom out, like I did when I was bitten by the spider from the south of Middle Earth" I told them.

"Abrax!" The Dwarf who was bitten exclaimed.

"At your service" I replied, taking my helmet off and as I took my helmet off, they all gasped.

"You're a woman!" The one with the shield exclaimed.

"Of course. What's your name?" I asked the Dwarf in blue.

"Kili" he answered.

"Well Kili bite on to this" I said handing a piece of wood. So I made an incision in his arm and he screamed but muffled, and I saw the poison flood out, so I placed my lips on his arm sucked the poison out, the yellow thick liquid burnt my tongue and lips, I had to tried to stop myself from throwing up and as soon as I could, I turned my head to the side where I spat it out and felt better for it, I then sowed the wound up for him.

"Thank you" he answered.

"You're welcome. So what brings you Dwarves out this far?" I inquired.

"We're trying to reclaim Erebor" the shielded one answered.

"Wait, you're Thorin Oakenshield!" I exclaimed in realisation.

"I am indeed" he replied.

"Is everything we've heard about you true?" A Hobbit asked.

"Yes" I nodded.

"We've been searching for someone with your skill, perhaps you could join us. We'll pay you as soon as we reach the mountain. There's enough riches for all of us" Thorin proposed.

"We could do with the protection" The Hobbit told me.

"It would be helpful if we had eyes above us" A blonde haired Dwarf said looking around at the others.

"I am on a job at the moment, I just need my payment and I will join you. I will take care of Kili while you travel, I don't mind sharing my Pegasus with someone else" I answered.

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