Chapter III

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We circled back around to the camp, we then landed. The Dwarves came running over. "Thank you for reacting so quickly" Thorin complimented me.

"You're welcome, now everyone go rest they won't be coming back" I said.

"Abrax you do the same, you look like you need it" Gandalf told me.

So I found a place a little away from the Dwarves and my pegasus laid down first, then I laid on his stomach and he covered me with one of his wings, then he laid his head on the ground.

The same dream haunts me every night I was being led to the tree amongst the smouldering ashes of my city,one Orc held my hands and arms behind my back tightly so I couldn't squirm out of his grip, I was pulled to the tree and there was only a wooden stall keeping me up, the rope was put around my neck and a laughing Orc kicked the stall out from under me, I could feel my life being chocked out of my body but before it all went black, I felt the rope snap and that was when I woke up with a jolt and I was panting.

The bad thing was that Legolas could communicate with me telepathically and he was searching for me, I did the best I could to block him out. I got up and I got my goat hyde bottle but it was empty, but as I turned around Kili made me jump as he was stood infront of me. "Here have mine" he said offering me his.

"Kili I can't its yours" I replied.

"I don't need it please" he insisted. So I agreed and drank a little of it before heading back to my Pegasus.

"How's that arm?" I asked.

"Better, thank you" he replied.

"You're welcome" I said shrugging my long shinging straight ivory white hair over my shoulder. The sun soon rose and we were off, making our way to Erebor once again. My Pegasus and I decided to walk instead of flying because his wings hurt, as he whinnied every time he moved them. I decided to walk next to him and I allowed Kili to ride my Pegasus, who after some encouragement and 3 golden apples later he allowed Kili onto his back, as he was a little lighter than me.

I leant my hand on my sword, and my helmet was strapped onto my back, along with my bow and arrows, I was leading Kilis pony ahead of my Pegasus but I was just a little bit too big to ride it. We travelled through the wood, and onto a mountain side where the wind whipped around us.

My Pegasus kept trying to keep his wings from blowing about, I slid my hood up, but no matter how much the wind blew we powered through it, the ponies whinnied and neighed as the breeze pushed them backwards.

We decided to head in land a bit more, but it was a bad idea because Orcs and Wargs were patrolling the area. "Guys get back" Thorin called.

So we slowed the ponies down."Kili get off my Pegasus" I told him.

So he did while I then mounted my Pegasus and I loaded my bow up with an arrow and shot it towards an Orc, it skimmed its armour and bounced off. My Pegasus reared up and before he galloped off, I offered my hand down to Kili who took it and I flung him up onto the back of my Pegasus and he had a strong grip on my waist.

We galloped towards the Orcs, the rest of the Dwarves followed behind us roaring and yelling catching the Orcs attention, they then soon turned around and began charging at us.

Our steel clashed, my beast and their beasts clashed, claws and hooves were exchanged no matter how much my Pegasus was clawed I swung my blade trying to kill all the Orcs I could while trying to keep my balance, and Kili was swinging his sword around and he had to be careful that he didn't hit me.

My Pegasus was tip toeing around the Orcs and their failed attempts to hit us, I dismounted and decided to fight hand to hand combat on the same level ground as the Orcs.

I kicked an Orc back, and stabbed my sword through its chest, black blood erupting onto the ground and me. Kili was now in the air as he was firing arrows from my bow, one hit my shoulder as the wind blew it off course. I screamed out and then tried to pull the arrow out of my shoulder.

But I snapped the shaft off and left the harsh metal arrow buried deep in my shoulder, I gently threw my blade to my other hand, and carried on fighting, I head butted on Orc and then slit its chest open, Thorin was one side of me and Fili was on my other side.

We had fought the Orcs for most of the day, and we were losing daylight, we still had to travel as we were only a little way from Erebor but our trip wasn't over. We killed half the army, Wargs and Orcs soon retreated back to where they came from.

The arrow head was beginning to take effect, I was beginning to feel weak from blood loss, I took a deep breath in and then made my way to the Dwarves as they retreated, my Pegasus grew flustered and began to trot around me as he noticed blood was still dripping down my back.

So not to create a fuss I wrenched the arrow out of my shoulder,and my Pegasus licked my wound as his saliva heals people, where as the venom is in his teeth. "Did I hit you?" Kili asked.

"No" i lied.

"Ohl good, I thought I did" he added.

"No you missed me by a few inches" I reassured him resting my hand on his shoulder.

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