Chapter XIIII

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Azog smiled at the challenge showing his horrible, yellow stained teeth. "This will be fun" He snarled.

Thorin took the first blow at the Orc but he blocked it with the blade on his arm that Thorin had dismembered, I jumped onto Azogs back and I tried to grab my knife in my boot but he threw me off and into Thorin who I knocked off his feet and went sliding along the ice with me. I leapt up and blocked Azogs blade before it hit Thorins chest, I kicked Azog back winding him and I grabbed the chain from his wrist and wrapped it around his feet and tripped him up.

But he cut my calf deep, making me collapse to the ground wrapping my hand around the wound, I limped up, Thorin ran past me head butting the Orc, Azog had blood on his face, but it was from Thorin who now had a nasty gash on his head.

Azog stumbled back in surprise and a bit dazed, I held my blade firm so I could fight if I needed to. But I collapsed to one knee again, Thorin stamped on the weak ice, it separated the Orc but Thorin then threw his stone weapon into his hand, and he stepped off.

"Roll towards me" Thorin ordered.

So I did and the ice tipped into the water dragging the Orc under. Thorin and I looked at each other smiling but panting. But I felt like it was too easy. Thorin helped me up resting me on his shoulders, but there was no need as my wounds were beginning to heal as I was pushing my body and that meant my body pushed itself to heal.

Kili and Fili were still fighting, I saw the giant eagles flying through the air dispatching the Orcs, Trolls and bats. We looked beneath the clear ice watching Azog pass under our feet.

I heard Thorin cry out and I noticed he had a blade sticking through his boot, he fell back and Azog burst through the ice, forcing me away from Thorin but Azog sat astride on Thorin who lifted his blade and hooked it with Azogs to stop him from impaling Thorins kind heart.

With one final push that I knew would take my strength I leapt up, and turned into my wolf mid air and pushed Azog off Thorin, Azog raced up to me, he punched me in the face breaking my jaw and splattering blood everywhere. "Azog this is not her fight! Your quarrel is with me" he shouted.

Azogs smile crept up onto his face again, unnerving me. Thorin and I had been through a lot and I wasn't going to allow him to die. I used the strength I had left, I leapt up and wrapped my strong arms around Azogs neck, I wrestle him to the floor and I keep him in a choke hold, he struggles and wriggles underneath my fading grip, just as Thorin is about to stab the foul Orc, he breaks from my grip and stabs Thorin through his chest cavity, but Thorin stabs him back, in the heart, all the way through his body and the ice.

The Orc exhaled its final breath, then died his black blood flooded out infecting the ice with its evil and Thorin collapsed next to him. The Dwarven King began to choke on his own blood, the company had gathered around me, I did what I felt natural and this would most certainly drain me, I bit my wrist and squeezed my healing blood onto his wound, it began to heal almost immediately.

Kili could see I was weak and he bolted over, resting my arm around his shoulders, Fili rushed over and supported me on the other side, we all stayed by Thorins side, to see if my blood worked.

Thorin took in a deep breath and reached a bloodied hand towards me. "Thank you" he wheezed. I only nodded as I was concentrating on staying awake and not talking.

But I couldn't my strength failed me and I collapsed onto the ice, knocking my head as my grip slipped from Kili and Fili with out warning. I wake up a few hours later and the smell of incense burning of Jasmine, pine and spices wafted to my senses, I was laid on a bed of silk, and I could hear the waterfalls flowing gently outside.

I knew I was at Rivendell, and my first thought was Thorin. I tried to move but my body was still healing and it was bruised, I opened my eyes and they were a little blurred, and sensitive to the light that came pouring through my window. Legolas was sat in the corner of my room, I shielded my eyes from the sun, so he got up and closed my curtains, I looked around and noticed my armour and leather clothing had been cleaned and folded neatly on my desk, my swords blade shone happily in the light, as it had bee cleansed of the evil which inhabited it and was laid next to my clothing, I then slipped my feet over the edge of the bed.

"I wouldn't your calf hasn't healed, you have no strength left. I do understand you shape shifters" he warned me.

Luckily Kili came in at that point, I tried to walk but my leg just collapsed from under me, he caught me in his arms. "Now back to bed" he ordered helping me back on to it. Fili soon followed with a tray of food and set it down on my bedside table.

"You need to rest and even if it means one of us either guarding your door or sitting in here with you" Fili told me, as he saw Kili settling me back into the bed again.

"How's Thorin?" I asked.

"Resting" Legolas answered in one word before leaving me with Fili and Kili who just stared after him.

"How's your head?" I asked Kili as he had a bandage wrapped around his head.

"Better" He replied leaping onto the side of the bed and sat next to me, I leant back and sunk into the pillows.

"Thank you for saving us" Fili said.

"You're welcome, I would give my life" I said reaching for the silver chalice full of water. Fili soon left me and Kili, I gazed over at my Dwarf lover but however no one in the company except Fili knew we were together, not even Thorin and we wanted to keep it quiet for a little longer.

I brushed a piece of my long white hair behind my ear, which was now free from the Orcs blood, I noticed Kili was just staring at me making me feel uncomfortable but it was like he had something on his mind.

"You okay?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face.

"Yes, yes I just can't get that image out of my head of you being stabbed by Bolg right in front of me" he said, but I could see it wasn't that there was more to it. He was holding something back, I ate some of the food Fili bought in and once I had enough, I laid down on the bed and Kili put his arm around my waist and I drifted off into sleep, but I was woken up by Kili getting off the bed, my back was to him so he probably thought I was still asleep, but it wasn't long till my eyelids closed again.

But a few hours later and once again I was interrupted by someone calling my name and it was Fili. "Abrax wake up" he whispered as I noticed Rivendell had been shrouded in darkness. He then told me "Get changed"

So Fili helped me limp over to the desk with my leather clothing on, I then walked behind my screens so I could get changed without Fili seeing. Then he said "I have something to show you" He then wrapped my arm around his shoulder and with one hand he held my arm around them and his other hand supported my waist, we left my chambers and headed towards the waterfalls. I had no idea what he wanted to show me and why didn't Kili come and get me instead of Fili?

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