Chapter XXI

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This part of the story is back to Abraxs pov.

Abraxs pov

I am not that old I will have you know Abrax" Gandalf said. "What happened to you?" he quizzed me.

"I saw the light, well in my case the darkness" I growled, but I then left the tavern, breaking a glass window as I did. The next few weeks my hunger forced me in land, and the borders of Rivendell I was passing by the lake when I heard an arrow shoot through the air, hitting something and then it fell. 'Oh free food, with out a chase' I thought.

But as I approached I thought I saw a lion as all I could see was a shining yellow mane, and a beige colour from where I was, but as I got closer I noticed that it was Fili, I was on a mound above him and he was pulling the arrows out of the flank of a deer.

He heard me snarling, my animal instinct took over completely, I saw nothing but red in front of me, he had a dagger in his grip, I looked at it and then at him. "Abrax, I know its you, of you're in there Kili needs you!" he exclaimed. "He's sick because of you" he explained.

I just snorted in laughter and he got the message, and I went to bite the dagger out of his hand, but he scratched me across the face missing my left eye, but I scratched him and caught his moustache making it uneven on one side, he looked at it and then the clump laying on the floor and he began to shuffle back flicking dirt up at me, his back hit a log and I snarled in happiness and my jaw turned up into a smile, he was in the perfect position for me to rip his throat out and just as I was about to, a arrow hit the tip of my tail.

I turned around and there stood Thorin, so I reared up on to my hind legs, his small sword pointing at my chest I roared and scratched him across his chest tearing his clothes, I then threw him against a tree,and went to finish off Fili.

"Get away from Nephew!" Thorin warned but it was too late, as I had Fili by his neck and I was squeezing very hard, his pathetic hands squeezed against my powerful arms, wrists and hands, my claws digging into his throat.

I heard the string of a bow being pulled back, my ear twitched all the way around so it faced the archer. "Put him down!" he demanded. It was Legolas, I swung my great head around and threw Fili against a tree knocking him senseless. "Shoot me then" I said opening my arms up and giving him a clear shot of my torso, he shot at me but the arrows bounced off.

Legolas moved down to the area where I was, he was no longer afraid of me as he placed his weapons down, he placed his hand in the middle of my chest, he thought some thing was supposed to happen so I pretended it did and it gave me enough time to bend his wrist back and break it, he cried out loud, so Thorin took his chance to stab me in the back. (Literally)

I roared but pulled the dagger out, crushing its handle in my paws. "Listen beast, I didn't like you much and I still don't but the man who loved you is suffering because you became this" Thorin said to me, I crouched in front of him.

"Your words mean nothing to me" I growled and threw him into Legolas knocking him over, I then went back to kill the blonde haired dwarf. I picked him up by his neck dragging his feet from the floor, at this point he only woke up.

" me" he chocked. Thorin had leapt onto my back and wrapped his arms around my throat holding me in a choke hold, I was twisting and turning trying to get him off me, I had dropped Fili and I was now throwing myself against trees, I knew I hurt Thorin more than I hurt myself. I dug my claws into his back and I felt his grip loosen, Legolas went to shoot another arrow but I turned around and he hit Thorin who cried out in pain, as soon as his grip diminished I threw him over my head.

"Thorin!" Fili and the elf exclaimed.

"I saved you once doesn't mean I will do it again, Dwarf" I snarled slamming my hind paw on Thorin's leg, I heard as well as felt his bones break beneath it, he cried out in agony. Legolas restrained me, but I pushed him away and tore half his shoulder with it. Fili soon approached me, he stood in front of me.

"Abrax look deep down, this is not you, you were never like this, you were caring loving" he said.

But Thorin had interrupted him. "Kili is dying of  heartbreak"

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