Chapter XXV

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I had no idea of how I was going to deal with the Wargs. "I am sorry Kili" I pined as a Warg bit into my back leg and my high pitched whine echoed around the land. I just clawed a Wargs eye out when Fili entered my mind.

'Where are you?' He quizzed me telepathically.

'Dale' I replied.

'What are you doing there?' He asked.

'I am on one final job' I replied disembowelling a Warg.

'You're due to get married in a few hours!' He reminded me.

'Not a word to Kili" I barked.

'I give you my word, but hurry' He said to me.

'I will try to' I replied and then everything went silent, a Warg had picked me up and thrown me onto a rock, knocking my head against it, I was dazed and I saw huge birds flying over and the sun was now up and lit the whole land.

The birds were destroying the Wargs and a pair of talons picked me up, I guess I was being flown back to Rivendell as it was quicker than running, I knew these birds could get me to Rivendell in a few hours, but I was in a bad way.

I needed to get to the healing springs, but I couldn't allow Fili or Thorin to see me like this. 'You do know everyone's waiting for you don't?' Fili reminded me, 2 hours into the flight.

'I am on my way but get Thranduil to meet me' I told him.

'Okay' he answered. With in another hour and we were there, Thandruil met me and the bird laid me down on the ground gently.

"You're 3 hours late, Kili is worried you have abandon him!" Thranduil said to me.

So I turned into human, and Thranduil helped me up gently, and I whimpered a little as it hurt. "I was on one last job and I had to fight Wargs and Trolls and I still haven't been paid" I snarled.

"You don't need to worry about that now, you're you going to be the future Queen of Erebor" He reminded me. We finally reached the healing springs and he turned around giving me some privacy and preserving my modesty. I climbed into the springs and the process began almost immediately, the water felt warm and it was bubbling, but once I was healed I got out and I clambered back into my clothing, which was a little bit dirty and shredded, but that's all the clothing I had with me.

"You're seriously not going to wear that are you?" He quizzed me.

"No she's not" Taureil answered for me. "Come, there's a dress waiting for you" She said and followed.

'A dress?' I asked myself. 'The last time I wore a dress was when I was a young shapeshifter' I thought.

I was taken to my chambers, and there on the bed sat an ivory white dress with a corset back, it had silver embroidery on the sleeves were long and hung from the wrists in a point, it was floor length with a little bit of a train at the back, and had a flowery pattern embroidered on the bottom and bodice part, so I slipped into the dress with Tauriels help, who did the corset up, my hair was left loose, except for the braids that Kili had put in my hair, I had a tiara of white roses around my head, which had a little sapphire jewel resting on my forehead, and i had white roses twinned in my loose mane.

I realised this was the first time the Dwarves would see me in a dress, it felt very strange for me being in a dress, I was handed my bouquet of white roses, then there was a loud thump on my door and Taureil opened the door and it was Thorin as he was giving me away, out of honour for my family as they had all been killed. He gasped.

"What?" I quizzed him panicking a little.

"No its nothing you look beautiful" He replied.

"Thanks" I answered as my cheeks began to blush out of embarrassment because I never knew how to respond to compliments.

"Kili made this necklace for you and wants you to wear it" Thorin said, putting the beautiful crystal necklace around my neck and it had his symbol on it, just like his beads.

"It's beautiful" I commented as it shone in the sun.

"How was the mission?" He quizzed me.

"Awful" I replied.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I was torn into by Wargs and trolls, I was in a very bad way when I got here, but I got to the healing springs in time." I explained.

"Kili has been worried, he even paced up and down for the last 2 hours as you weren't here and just to calm him, Fili told him where you were" He explained.

"What?" I asked.

"It was the only way to calm him down" He replied.

"Ready?" Taureil asked. I nodded and Thorin took my arm in his, we walked up to the bridge which served as the altar as the bridge meant so much to Kili and I, I saw everyone from Rivendell, the Dwarves and even Bilbo were there all dressed in different colours and bright clothing, I took a deep breath in and we began walking.

The Elven band began playing, Thorin gently squeezed my arm in reassurance as he knew I was nervous. There was an arch at the end decorated with white, red and black roses which had diamonds in the middle, I saw Fili dressed in white standing next to his brother as he was his best man and Taureil was my maid of honour. I noticed everyone turned around looking at me and gasping, the last person to look around was my Kili.

His soft brown eyes meeting mine, he was dressed in white with silver embroidered into it, his long, dark wild mane had been tamed with braids, 2 on either-side of his head and one going down the middle but all fastened at the back with his clasp. We finally reached Kili and Thorin placed my delicate hands into Kilis. We smiled to one another and he kissed my cheek.

"Finally and You look beautiful" He whispered into my ear.

"Thank you" I replied.

The ceremony began and Thranduil was marrying us, it came to our vows and Kili had his prepared and I was guessing that Fili and Thorin helped him, but I felt bad because I didn't get the chance to prepare anything.

"My dear Abrax
A quest brought us together, we fought together and we protected each other, and my love for you grew, I don't care about the body you share with the beast inside of you, it's part of you and I love it all just the same. Abrax I never thought I would see this day, but I have and I just want you to know, you're the one I've been searching for and I love you" Kili said, I looked at him our hands still holding each others, I had tears misting my eyes.

Then it was my turn, I took a deep breathe in and began Kili "I saved your life, and I didn't realise the bond we had, but as the quest went on, I guess I couldn't deny how much I loved you, we've been through our ups and downs, but I can tell there is a bright future for us, and I never saw myself here either I guess I never thought I would find the one but Kili I love you and I guess you're the one" I said.

Then Thranduil said "Kili son of Durin, the line of Thrain do you take Abrax to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Kili smiled at me.

"Do you Abrax take Kili to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me on my turn.

"I do" I answered, and before he could say you may kiss the bride, Kilis lips crashed on to my lips, I was lost in his soft lips and the sound of the waterfall crashing next to us.

We parted and then Thorin walked over to us. "Welcome to the line of Thrain" he said and hugged me.

Kili and I headed back to the great hall everyone following us back, for the festivities but I knew I was going to be asked to do another job and interrupt our happiness.

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