Chapter XVII

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I was in the library, sketching a portrait of Kili from my minds eye and he walked over so I slid another piece of paper over the top and he took me by my hand, and lead me to my room where my weapons were laid out on my bed, they glinted and shined.

"Wow Kili you've done an amazing job" I said and kissed his head, I saw Thorins shadow on the wall as he left the chambers, he still didn't approve of me and Kili but over the next few weeks Kili had become closer to me, he offered to do everything for me, the only time I actually got peace was when I was bathing under the waterfall, in the lake or when I was in my chambers, sleeping or with my Pegasus as he knows I am closer to my Pegasus and knows not to mess with him.

I was in the stable picking my Pegasus' feet when I hear the pitter, patter of feet I looked over the stable and there stood Kili. In his hands he had a bridle with crystals on the nose band and brow band. "I made it myself" he said and handed it over.

"Thank you Kili" I said walking over and hugging him.

So I tried it on Hercules, he was a little reluctant at first but after some encouraging words and golden apples he was wearing Kilis bridle. "Did you wanna ride him on your own?" I asked him.

"Er..." he said, his face dropped.

"Go on" I told him and then helped him up onto his back, then lead Hercules out to the field where he began to gallop and I told Kili to hold onto the reins and Hercules' mane, I sat on the marble steps waiting for him to return when Fili came and sat next to me.

"So how do you court in your shape shifting culture?" he asked.

"I don't know I am the only one" I said, sharpening my sword.

"I thought Kili sharpened that for you?" he inquired.

"What's this?" he asked, pointing to my tattoo.

"My family crest, everyone of my family has it" I told him.

"No, this sword is personal to me, as it was my fathers and the handle is made of a human bone" I told him.

I heard my Pegasus' wings beat as I could hear him coming back, he then hovered down and landed. Kili jumped off his back, but he under estimated how big the jump was, so he squeaked a little as he hurt his leg.

"Nice flight?" I asked.

"Yes" he nodded. "I could've done that for you!" Kili insisted.

"No, you couldn't this is personal" I told him.

Then I slid the sword into the scabbard around my waist, I walked over to Hercules and took the bridle off and then allowed him to graze on the grass, Kili just watched me as I strode to the stable and put the bridle on a peg. I walked out again and he called "Fili and I are going hunting we'll be back later" he said.

So while they went hunting I retired back to the library again, and I sat at the desk finishing my sketch of Kili, I looked at the clock and it was 19:00pm I had been there for three hours, but it didn't feel like it. Bofur walked in and came to me. "Foods ready"

"Be there in a second" I said clearing my mess on the desk and then I got up resting my hand on my sword, and then walked to the main hall I saw everyone sitting down, except Kili as he was serving the food with his brother and I took a seat in the corner, where I took my coat off and using a cloth and water from my water bottle, I dabbed the tattoo on my shoulder as it was still sore and I hissed in pain a little bit. Fili handed me a plate of meat with a few vegetables on, but I wasn't a fan of meat, I just left it on the side and picked at it.

"What's wrong lass you lost your appetite?" Bofur asked.

"No, I am just not that hungry" I replied.

I saw Kili glance over to me in a concerned manner, then said something to his brother and then looked back at me. I felt uncomfortable, the only reason I didn't want to eat was because I felt nervous eating in front of people, even though I had travelled and fought with the Dwarves I still couldn't eat in front of them. Kili looked almost hurt or insulted because I didn't eat the food he caught and cooked.

I left my plate on the side and I barely touched it, Thorin looked disappointed as did Kili and Fili, they made me feel uneasy, so I got up and went to the stable for a dusk ride on Hercules, and because I needed to harvest more golden apples for my Pegasus, but I left without a word. I whistled and Hercules trotted out from the stable carrying Kilis bridle in his mouth, so I put it on him, then jumped onto his sturdy back and we took off.

We flew over Rivendell river and the waterfall, we soon came to the fields where the golden apple trees grow, we landed and I dismounted and took the saddle bag off my Pegasus, then I began to pick the apples off their branches and put them in the bag, Hercules was picking the apples off the branches and eating them there and then. Once we had enough I mounted my Pegasus and we flew back to Rivendell and I knew I was in trouble, as I saw Thorin was standing at the courtyard with Fili at his side.

I dismounted and Thorin said "You've upset Kili"

"How?" I asked.

"He was trying to show you, he can provide for you" Fili answered.

"Its part of Dwarf courting" Thorin added.

"I didn't know" I replied.

"I've had a chat with Kili and he said he is serious about courting you, and so I've decided to give you a chance on a trial basis" he said.

"You don't see it but Kili adores you" Fili told me. "He's trying to express it towards you" He finished.

"Where is Kili and I will go and talk to him" I reassured his uncle and his brother.

"Thank you" Fili and Thorin said.

I walked the halls till I came to his chambers and I knocked on his door. "Enter" he called, he saw me but turned his back on me. I padded over and I noticed he had found my sketch from the library of him.

"Kili can I talk to you" I said resting my hand on his shoulder, but I felt him rest his hand over mine.

"Yes" he replied, so I sat in front of him perched on his desk.

"I understand what you're doing and I am sorry if I insulted you tonight" I began.

"It's okay. Fili told me that you're the only shape shifter of your kind, as I asked him to find out what your rituals were so I could try to please you" he explained.

"Aw Kili, you don't have to try to please me. I am satisfied and happy" I told him.

"But its different for Dwarves, we have steps we follow to express our love" he said turning his gaze to my sketch on his desk, and I began to blush a little. "You have talent" He said turning to me, I stood up and so did he. His eyes locked with mine and our lips soon met, but Thorin leant on the door of the threshold and coughed.

"Kili remember what I told you, as you are breaking the Dwarven steps" Thorin reminded him.

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