Chapter XII

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The Elven army soon arrived in the courtyard at dawn, I had my bow which was loaded and I was ready to fire. "Stand down" Bard said lowering my bow to the floor, I just sighed. "Come" he said taking my hand, we approached the shining army and they parted for us as we made our way to Thranduil, who was sitting astride a giant deer, with huge horns.

"We meet again Abrax" he stated bowing to me.

"At least you show some kindness now" I snarled.

"Were not here to argue or drag you back to Rivendell, we're here to reclaim what's ours. I too have something in the mountain that I desire. White jewels" Thranduil told us." I see you're no longer with your Dwarf, I thought you were going to defend them" he added trying to annoy me, my anger was building up but I managed to keep myself from snapping at him.

"If you're to fight with us, where you belong, you wear my armour" Thranduil told me, as one of his men gave me the Elven armour. I looked out of his tent and saw my Pegasus was covered in armour from head to hoof. "Now get in position, get somewhere high, so you can see the land and the army" He instructed.

"Bard try and reason with Thorin, but he is sick with Dragon Fever and it will be hard" I warned him resting a hand on my shoulder. I slid the armour on and then mounted my Pegasus my armour clanging as I mounted his back, we flew up and landed on a roof, where I could see the mountain, the ruins, and the elven army.

They soon marched along the crumbling bridge to the mountain where Thorin and The Dwarves were stood, I then flew above the army, but dropping down next to Thranduil when they stopped just before the gates. "We wish to negotiate" Bard called.

"Kili I warned you not to love that human, now look she has betrayed us for the Elves" Thorin told him, as I could hear from where my Pegasus was standing.

"Judging by that comment I see that she has made the right choice, to join us Elves" Thranduil replied.

I just looked at the neck of my Pegasus almost crying, I was about to turn around when Thranduil grabbed my reins and made me stay, once I kept my tears at bay I looked up at Kili and he looked as Miserable as I was. 'Fili tell Kili I love him and I am sorry' I said to Fili telepathically, I nodded at him as he turned to his brother and delivered my message.

'He says he loves you to and understands you' Fili replied telling me.

"We have the Arkenstone" Bard announced. I just leant on my Pegasus' saddle on my elbow.

"You stole it!" Thorin accused.

We didn't know what was going on, but it looked like they were about to throw Bilbo over the edge so I flew up. "Get on" I called, but before I flew back I dropped my favourite knife down to Kili which was made out of a werewolf's claw, it was just to show how much I still cared for him, I landed back down next to Thranduil, then Bilbo dismounted, I saw Bard walk up to the gate to carry on the negotiation, a few minutes later and he was back.

"We attack at dawn" Thranduil announced, I solemnly turned my Pegasus around with everyone else, but Fili stopped me 'wait, Kili said thank you, he loves you and be careful. He wants you to survive'

'I will, and so will you two. I will make sure of it' I said before walking away, my Pegasus hung his head low because he was beginning to like Kili, we rested all night but my thoughts were interrupted by Kili as I couldn't stop thinking about him. I missed him. My tears began to fall onto my armour and it pitter pattered like rain on it. Bilbo joined me. !

"You know while you weren't in that mountain Kili never stopped talking about you, he cares for you and its only Thorin who is keeping you apart" he said.

"I know he is poisoning Kili's mind against me" I said looking up at the starry night, it was a full moon. "I need to go for a fly" I said jumping onto my Pegasus' back, we flew in front of the moon and I saw the flames were burning in front of the gates of Erebor.

I landed on a ledge opposite and I could see the shadows of the Dwarves moving around. I leant on my elbow leaning on the saddle, I tried contacting Fili but he was blocking me. I kept trying and trying but it was beginning to drain me, so I decided to head back to camp before Thranduil realised we were missing.

We trotted back but Gandalf, Thranduil and Bilbo met me. "Where were you?" Thranduil asked.

"Flying" I replied in one word.

"You need your rest and strength, now go" Gandalf ordered.

So we went back to the area where we were resting. Dawn soon approached and we flew up above the army, all the Dwarves were gathered on the top but they weren't all in their armour, it was almost as if though they weren't fighting I flew above the army, but I heard the heavy foot falls of the Dwarven army. Kilis gaze locked with mine, but the Dwarves soon retreated in.

'Fili talk to me what's going on?' I asked telepathically.

'Thorin's Dragon Fever has got worse and he now refuses to fight' He replied. The Orc army arrived and The Dwarven army went charging into them, they placed their shields over one each other, then the Elves assembled behind them, as the Orcs clashed with the Dwarfs the Elves leapt over them.

My Pegasus let out a high pitch neigh was soon shot down,he went plummeting down to the earth, spiralling as he fell, we skidded along as we hit the ground. "No boy no" I cried as he let out one final whinny and died.

I was now angry and I was seeing red, I then ran into the thick of battle, twisting my sword around in my wrist, slicing through every Orc who dared stand in my way, my blade shone in the sun as if it were happy, even if the Orc blood dimmed the shine.

About half an hour later all the armies paused and saw The Dwarves all running out together, then the fighting began again, the battlefield was stained with Orc, Elven and Dwarven blood.

I kept advancing to the Orcs who were still alive, I was soaked in their blood. I soon found my helmet was restricting my sight, so I took it off and threw it on the ground. I managed to steal a glance behind and saw all the Dwarves fighting, but Kili, Fili, Dwalin and Thorin were heading to where Azog was, as he was on top of Ravendale.

They were riding rams. Then when there was a clear path I followed them up. I found and Dwalin fighting Goblins. "Let me help" I told Thorin as I took my place next to him.

Goblin after Goblin kept charging at us. "Where's Kili and Fili?" I asked.

"Scouting" Dwalin answered swinging his axe around causing me to duck, the Goblins soon retreated, but Azog caught our attention as he had Fili, and had lifted him off the floor, so he was dangling over the edge.

"Fili" We all shouted.

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