Chapter XX

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This part of the story is going to be told from Kili's pov

Kilis pov

"Brother what happened to her?" I asked Fili who was sat next to me. "I showed her I loved her, what step did I take that was wrong?" I quizzed him.

"Brother you did nothing wrong" Fili answered me reassuring me and rested his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you expect from a beast like her" Thorin stated taking his pipe out of his mouth and exhaling the smoke.

"She's not a beast" I said defending her.

"Did you see he when we fought by her side, she's vicious and I never did understand what you saw in her" Thorin added.

"Kili saw the one" my brother spoke up.

"Obviously she wasn't" Balin said kindly.

"There's plenty more out there laddie" Dwalin comforted me.

"But I love her" I pined, tears coming to my eyes. 'Why did she change? How did she become what she is?' I asked myself.

I spent a lot of time alone in my chambers, I just wanted to go home to the blue mountains and to Erebor, but Thorin said its not ready for us yet.

I cradle the crow skull clasp in my hand, my tears began to drop down onto it, I missed her, she was all I wanted but I am alone and my heart feels like it has been shattered into a million pieces, her horse helmet still stands on my bedside table, I can see my reflection in her helmet, the bridle I made for her was hung on the back of my door.

Fili knew I was hurt and he gave me the space I needed, I wandered into her chambers that were bare, and all of her belongings gone except for the beads she wore in her hair that I gave her, as they were laid on her dressing table. "Kili you're just torturing yourself" My brother reminded me leaning on the threshold of the door.

"Fili..." I sobbed not able to get my words out I just collapsed onto my knees, with her beads in my hand, Fili rushed over and wrapped his arms around me pushing my head into his shoulder.

"Ohl brother" Fili said. "I hate seeing you like this" he told me stroking my hair gently. A howl ripped through the night, but I knew it was as I had heard her howl before, but she wasn't happy she was angry and a bit sad.

"Fili can you still speak to her telepathically?" I asked him.

"No, I am completely blocked" he replied.

"Why is she  blocking you?" I quizzed him.

"I don't know" He replied. "When was the last time you slept properly?" Fili questioned me.

"Not since Abrax left me" I answered.

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