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I turned into my wolf and looked over the ledge, the rage building up in me. Kili, Fili and Thorin were tied up beneath my paws. I let out a very loud howl, alerting the wolves we needed help but it also meant the Wargs had no choice but to obey me.

As they had been bred to follow the only living shapeshifter but the Orcs took them for their own use, its only the howl of a shapeshifter that sets them on the right path.

"Shut that thing up now!" The King of Gondor exclaimed.

"That thing is my wife!" Kili yelled. An Orc shot at an arrow but missed as I caught it in my mouth and snapped it in two, I then swung down from the ledge using my forearm landing on my hind legs as I had reared up onto them and my bones locked into place holding me up.

The Orcs began firing at me but their pathetic arrows bounced off my lean chest. "I am sorry Fili, Kili, Thorin" I said.

"Why?" Kili asked innocently.

"Because I am going to unleash the beast!" I exclaimed turning to them with half of my body transformed. "Run!" I growled cutting their ropes, I watched them go, and the wolf then took over, as I looked at them they were nothing but running prey to the beast.

I attacked the King of Gondor first, my paws resting on his shoulders, my jaws smiling over his throat, saliva dripping onto his armour as my beast couldn't wait to tear into the aged flesh of the King, he stared into my eyes as he became petrified and paralyzed under my grip, an Orc began to beat me with a the end of his axe, so I turned my attention to the Orc, tearing its metal armour out of its skin, its squealed and tried to push my killer jaws out of the way but I just bit his fingers off, its black blood collecting in my beasts jaws and I turned my head to the side and spat it out.

With one swipe of my razor claws the screeching Orc was silenced and its head severed from its body, the King of Gondor made a run for it, but he had no chance against the beast not now it was full in predatory mode, I galloped in front of him before turning around, lowering my frame, my ears laid back, my hackles stood up along my spine and my lips lifting over my teeth to form a snarl.

A deep growl rippled through me as I advanced at the King. "Nice doggy, good doggy" He said placing his hands out in front of him, but I bit his hand off at the wrist, he looked at the bloody stump before stumbling backwards and falling over the edge.

I stood there panting with a blood coat and blood dribbling from my salivating jaws. Fili, Kili and Thorin better run faster because the wolf had caught their scent and wouldn't stop at anything to dig its teeth into their youthful flesh. I bound down through the twisting tunnels of the cave, my throat thirsting for Dwarven blood.

I had galloped through the battlefield fighting any Orcs who were in my way, their scent took me into the palace and they were hauled up in Thorins room, the beast forced its body against the door splintering it, and it managed to get one paw through, but once it saw the Dwarves, he excitement overwhelmed it knowing its prey was job the other side of a flimsy door, the beast pounded the door so hard it broke the iron hinges, the beast strode proudly in to the room.

Took a sniff in the air and could smell the fear that was reflected on their faces, the beast lunged at Fili and caught him in its massive paws, tumbling around on the floor till their backs hit the book shelf, but Thorins and Kilis call woke me up out of the beasts entrapment.

I looked at Filis terrified face and I let the grip on my paws loosen and allow him free, I got off of him and said "Sorry"

He just glared at me and stormed off, I pined and my ears fell against my neck. "Why do you think I told you to run?" I reminded both Kili and Thorin.

I had turned into human, and I collapsed on to the bed with my head in my hands. Kili sat on the bed with me and rubbed his hand up and down my back. "All I can say is try not to lose control too often" He advised me. "So someone like my brother doesn't get hurt" He finished.

"Kili I am sorry" I said tears beginning to dribble down my cheeks. "When the beast takes over I can't control it, the wolf instinct takes over" I told him.

"I understand" He replied.

"Next time you lose control I think we may need to lock you in the cells under the mountain" Thorin said resting his hand on my shoulder.

"Perhaps" I said.

Dwalin came into the room and said "Thranduil's hear to see Abrax"

We all exchanged glances but I got up strapping my armour and weapons on, then went striding to the main hall where I saw the Elven King waiting for me with his guards.

"Glad to see you're okay, I have a job for you" He stated.

"What is it?" I quizzed him.

"My son and the captain of the guards have caught an Orc and the foul creature refuses to speak. I need information and I have heard how your wolf loses control and that's a weapon I need" He explained.

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