Chapter II

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I then flew back to Rohan and I landed on the steps once again, "Be nice" I told my Pegasus as I left Kili on the back of my beast, as I went to get my payment from Theodon. I strutted in and the King paid me what he owed, I was about to walk away when he said

"Perhaps you could join my men, I could do with someone like you on my army"

"I have other things to do, than be your shining soldier" I answered backing off and heading to my Pegasus, Kili was sitting up and grasping his mane.

"You mean serve little men who can't even protect themselves!" he yelled. I noticed Kili was about to say something but I whispered a spell muting him.

"Well they seem more worthy than you right now!" I snarled clicking my fingers and the tapestries began to burn and the flames roared. Kili slid back on my Pegasus' back and wrapped his small arms around my waist, I then unmuted Kili.

"What did you do to me?" he inquired.

"I muted you temporarily. I guess the stories about me miss out the fact I am a sorceress" I told him. "Ohl and Kili hold on" I advised him grabbing his hands with mine as my Pegasus flew up vertically.

"Whyyyyyy?" He cried as we shot up into the sky, but once we were horizontal and we levelled out, his arms tightened around my waist as I let go of his hands.
We spent a good few hours in the sky till we finally found his group of Dwarves riding Shetland ponies.

The famous grey wizard rode in front. I circled the group before touching down behind the hobbits pony who spooked and galloped forward to the front, but it squealed in fright, everyone looked back and stopped.

"Abrax" The grey wizard stated.

"My dear Gandalf its been too long" I answered.

"Company move" Thorin called. We soon stopped for the night in a wooded area by a lake, which I took advantage of and slipped out of my armour and garments and waded into the Luke warm water. "Kili allow the girl some privacy" I heard Gandalf tell the inquisitive Dwarf.

'I hadn't been called a girl for a very long time, it was always Abrax the warrior, captain, mercenary and horse warrior, it was nice' I thought to myself. 'At least someone respects me' I added. I swam around soaking my body, and bathing my joints, it had been a long time since such a healing liquid had touched my wounded skin.

As this lake in particular was known for its healing ability, it only healed the wound and left scarred evidence from where it had been torn open. I heard a twig snap and I turned around to see Kili trying to hide, but I just turned so my back was to him again and smiled. I then whistled for my Pegasus who concealed my modesty with his wings while I got changed again.

Instead of joining them around the campfire I stood a little way away so I could watch for Orcs and keep guard. "you need to eat" Gandalf told me handing me a bowl of rabbit stew that the hobbit had caught a few hours ago.

"I am fine" I replied staring into the distance, and pushing the bowl back towards him.

"You have been like this ever since you saw your whole village decimated before your eyes, including your fellow village people" Gandalf reminded me. "I know you have you that scar around your neck where you were nearly hung if Legolas wasn't there to save you, I know everyday it reminds you of what happened" he added. I then subconsciously began to rub the scar on my throat.

But I just ignored him and waited for him to leave me alone, I just stared into the black abyss of the night. That same Orcs face flashing before my eyes, I then gazed towards Thorin, we both had an enemy in common and I would gladly help to bring him down after what he did to my village.

The Dwarves took it in shifts to help guard the forest with me, the last one was Kili and he stood there telling me about Erebor and how beautiful it was until Smaug the dragon took over.

I told him at that point I was apart of the Elven army, and that Legolas and I had a brief encounter with each other, but it wasn't to last, a human and an elf, it just wasn't right so the King Elf made us break apart.

"Why wasn't it right?" Kili asked innocently.

"Because humans and elves are different species" I told him trying not to cry.
"Besides I am only a mercenary I don't have the time for love and anyway what man would want to be in love with me?" I added.

"What if someone not from the elves loved a human?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at him.

Kili stepped forward and took my hands in his. I was speechless, but I only backed off from him. "What?" he asked.

"No it's nothing" I told him.

I was only a little bit taller than him but not by much. "It's just love has never worked out for me" I told him, I heard an arrow racing towards us, so I caught it before it could cause any damage and snapped it in two, it was covered in black goop, so I knew we were under attack from Orcs. My Pegasus came galloping over and I mounted the still moving beast,he spread his wings out and we took off into the night sky, I muttered a spell of fire and shot fire balls down at the Orcs and it was only a small group of them, but with one fireball I managed to kill all the Orcs.

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