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Ben sat in his new office, the huge, oval lights hanging about the ceiling. He couldn't believe he was the CEO of Isabella Group now. Yesterday, Alex had visited the company and did all the formalities and legal procedures, and the documents were signed. He knew Alex, and how he kept all his documents safely, hence, he had kept the documents in his condo in New York in his coded safe. He didn't wanna disappoint Alex, in any way.

He opened his laptop, quickly going through the list of all future projects of the company, and the potential list of clients. But to his dismay, he found that all the projects undertaking were private, or semi-private, and that irked his curiosity. He remembered Alex telling him how he wanted this company to make mark in a government-sanctioned project, too.

His thoughts spiraled down to only one thought: He wouldn't let Alex's dream fade away. He had to do something. And getting an idea about it, he called up Richard. The phone rang tumultuously before it connected. "Hey, Richie, I need to talk to you!"

Richard cleared his throat. "Yup, what's up, man?"

"The Governor of  Texas has given you a project, right? Can you tell me what is it?"

"Sure, yeah. It's about a hotel in Texas, a seven-star one. The interiors will designed by us. Why? What's up?"

Ben sighed. "Nothing. Do you know which Group is taking up the hotel project?"

"I don't know, yet. The Governor hasn't asked any Group, till now, as much as I know. Other than that--"

"It's okay! I'll manage."

"Wohoooo! Are you planning to pitch your company plan to the Governor? That is awesome!" Richard shrieked abnormally.

Ben couldn't contain his laugh after hearing him. "Oh, oh, calm down, tiger! Don't tell anything to Alex, just yet. Let me see, first. Deal?"

"Yeah, okay. Deal." Rich groaned. "So how's  life as a CEO?"

He didn't know what to say to him. It was...amazing, yet beautifully familiar. "Honestly? You know, it's familiar and just the same. For the past year, Alex has  been focusing on Hamilton Inc., and I've been sanctioning projects and tenders here, but then, I was a secretary, and now--" 

"You're the fucking CEO!"

He gagged. "Fucking? Like, what the hell, man!"

Rich covered up. "Okay, not that. But I can't believe it! You're--"

"Yeah, it's unbelievable to me, as well. So, how's life with Jean?"

There was a long pause before he heard Rich's loud breath. "Oh, it's magical....I just-- I just love her, you know, that feeling of existence beyond eternity...."

Ben didn't make fun of it, though he wanted to. Truly, he didn't and couldn't know the feeling. He doubted whether he had feelings or not. He had. He knew he had emotions, except for serious, complicated ones. He had cool, light and fleeting emotions that weren't permanent.

Most of his childhood, he had been tossed from one orphanage to another, and before he could root his emotions to one place, he was moved away to somwhere else. Naturally, he hadn't developed strong and permanent emotions in his being. He wasn't made for marriage, or for a relationship, they required strong commitment which he simply couldn't give, hence, he was better being a ladies' man; sleeping around and flirting around with the women of his choice.

Contradictorily, the only strong emotion in his thought now was to make Alex feel proud. Alex was like a role model to him, a brother, a friend, a confidante, and what not, and he didn't wanna lose face in front of him.

Richard huffed, "Hey, man, where are you lost? Are you listening?"

"Uh-huh, I am. Well, Richie, I'm so happy for you. Glad you found her."

Richard gushed. "Yep. Okay, bye now. Gotta go!"

The call disconnected and Ben kept his phone aside, immediately opening his laptop and sending a mail to the Governor's secretary about an appointment with him in person. Hitting the send button, he laid back on the chair, sighing in relief. He was gonna make this company more successful than it already was.

He wouldn't disappoint Alex, he wouldn't let him down for believing in him.

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