Chapter Twenty Six

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The wedding was happening. Right here, in front of his eyes, Ben sighed, feeling content in Richard's happiness. The dark-haired Hamilton was gleaming in joy whenever he looked at his bride in front of him. Jean seemed happy too, her eyes shining and her mouth in a line of serenity. He was standing just beside Alex and Vivian. Alex has gotten the role of 'Best Man', Vivian was just there as his brother and had played the role of an usher in bringing Jean down the aisle towards Richard, while Ben had been entrusted with the responsibility of the ring-bearer.

"Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today, to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony." The minister read out whereas the whole swarm of guests gurgled with joy.

He looked around to see a bunch of familiar faces sitting on the benches with shimmery clothes and sparkling eyes. Josh and his doctor, Neil were seated at front row, and just beside them were Troy and Emma. On the left side was Maya and another guy, who looked quite familiar to him. The guy was approximately of his age, and had long, wavy golden hair upto his shoulders which he had tied into a sleek ponytail; he was decked up in a champagne suit, and white sneakers which gave him a kind of funky style. But why was he so familiar?

Oh, Riley Sanders.

Ben remembered as the clouds of confusion tore apart in his sky of thoughts. He was the Australian man who was a private investigator and worked closely with Alex. Earlier today, just before coming out of Alex's mansion, he had called him up to the side and informed him that he had found some kind of dirt in Sanjeev's life. Both of them had decided to look deeper into the matter and figure everything out only after the wedding was over.

For a reason unknown, he was sure that something fishy was going on with Sanjeev, he just couldn't put his finger on it. And it had something to do with Sarah for sure. Looking at Riley, he hoped that he would get all the answers to his questions and then concentrated on the wedding. If it was possible. Because just opposite to him, behind Jean, his wife was standing in the most beautiful dress of the world, listening minutely at how the minister spoke of love and sacredness that conjured up a marriage.

She looked So pretty that wasn't even probably humanly possible; her hair was travelling down her waist in tranquil waves of black charcoal, and her face looked flawless and untainted with all that make-up, yet he realised that he found her beautiful without the cover of foundation too. Her lips that had maddened him with its pinkness and softness were now painted in a cherry red shade that he wanted to consume off so that he could look at her natural lips again. He wanted to eat away her mouth and reveal the pink bud of delicateness.

"Do you, Richard Josh Hamilton, take her, Jean Elizabeth Parker to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?" The minister spoke in eloquence as the whole arena shuddered to silence.

"I do." There was happiness in Richard's face and Ben stumbled back in surprise.

The entire setting of the wedding made him intensely uncomfortable. A week ago, he had experienced this with Sarah. But he had never been this happy, neither had she. Richard and Jean were actually investing themselves in the wedding, whereas their wedding meant nothing more than a business deal, more like an alliance.

"Do you, Jean Elizabeth Parker, take Richard Josh Hamilton as your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, for as long as you both shall live?"

"Yes, I do." Jean beamed, and beside her, Sarah couldn't control her chuckle.

The woman's eyes shone with happiness as she clapped thunderously with the others, while he watched her silently. Looking at her made him remember how she had kissed him on her own, without his motivation, just casually to say she was sorry. He liked it. She had taken h by his lips and relinquished her self-control as soon as he had gripped her waist. He affected her and he knew it.

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