Chapter Forty Five

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Ben was waiting for the right moment for the doorbell to ring. Two days had past and everything was going great. He stayed home for some work today. Sarah was in university, doing her classes. It was about to end. He knew who was at the other side of the door; he could sense that person's vile presence. Shutting off his laptop and rising quaintly from the living room couch, he went to the door and opened it swiftly only to face the imminent danger.

Sanjeev seemed perturbed, yet there was an ugly, misogynistic smile on his face. He peered in, his eyes scanning everything in existence. "It wasn't great of you to visit the hotels, Benedict. You have angered the lion."

Sanjeev had gotten to know he had visited all the hotels and resorts in suspicion. Ben didn't give a damn. "Who's the lion here, Sanjeev? You? I highly doubt that."

Sanjeev barged inside, his eyes a pool of challenging anger. "Speak carefully, Benedict. You don't know what I'm capable of." He strode further into the living room and looked around. "What if this penthouse catches fire one night? You know what the headlines will be the other day? Benedict Williams, the new CEO of Isabella Group was in a fire accident."

Ben followed him inside and laughed, his voice as clear as the day. "You think I'm afraid of you? What will you do, Sanjeev?"

"Well, I have got hold of some important papers. The power of attorney papers that Alex has transferred to your name." He sneered. "I plan on replacing your name with mine, and then, I plan on buying the company from Alexander."

Ben held his breath. "How so?"

"For the past few months, Isabella Group has been going to losses because I have been siphoning out funds, and I have been disagreeing to the profitable projects and going toward the ones that would be in utter loss." The old man gave a frantic laugh. "Alexander was busy with Hamilton Inc. so I did as I pleased. But then, he appointed you as the CEO, the title I deserved!"

"He trusted me blindly but I knew you wouldn't! I knew you would use your egotistical intelligence and disagree on everything I said! And you did! My plan was very simple; take the papers, change my name with illegal means, of course and put Alexander in a legal fix! As the company would go down in losses because of the failure of the government project you sanctioned, I would coerce Alexander to sell me most of his shares."

Ben listened. His heart faltered then and there. But his voice stayed calm and composed. "The government project will not fail. I'm still the CEO and--"

"That's where you are wrong! You are the CEO but not for long, Benedict. I have the papers."

Ben knew Sanjeev couldn't do anything but that man was vile and clever, and through illegal means, he was capable of manipulating everything, even some piece of paper. He shook his head. "What do you mean? How did you--"

There was a sound. Ben turned his head towards the open door to see Sarah standing at the entrance, her face masked in pure horror. The shock on her face drove him nuts. The sound was apparently the fall of her heavy books which were currently scattered on the floor. She didn't make an effort to pick them up, instead, she stood there rooted to her place, her eyes stretched far and wide, the fear visible in the paralyzed movement of her body.

"There she is! My darling daughter. Thank you, my dear." Sanjeev had a wide smile on his face. It looked fake.

Sarah moved just a little. "Papa, what--"

Sanjeev pulled out some papers from his briefcase and waved them in front of Ben. He knew what those were; the damn power of attorney papers. Sarah was included in all this, she was the one who had given them to her father.

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