Chapter Thirty Seven

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"Hey! Baby! See that!" Ben signalled to his wife who was lost in thought. They had just entered the city of Jersey. And currently he was beckoning her to see the giant Ferris wheel standing on a huge open space. It seemed like a fair of some kind.

Once her eyes rested on the colourful wheel, she sighed, a breath coming out of her navel. God, she was beautiful. He smiled at his own chain of thoughts. "Welcome to Jersey, Mrs. Williams!"

Then she blushed. And then he had the urge to touch her again. It was becoming impossible for him to keep his hands off of her. How can any man, in his right mind, not want her? She was so beautiful, not just on the outside, but on the inside. He had never met a woman quite like her; she was the definition of kindness and also, a little quietness but she wasn't reserved much like he had deemed her to be, instead she had turned out conversational and friendly, especially with all the Hamiltons, and moreover, with him, she was free. She had told him that. And he felt so grateful.

Her eyes sparkled. They were passing Lincoln Park and he could see the twinkle in her eyes. "Baby, are you hungry?"

She nodded, her eyes going wide. "Oh, yes. But--aren't you late for the meeting?" She bit her lip.

Yes, he was getting late. He had killed a lot of time when he had run home and taken her with him. Not just that, he had made love to her again and then taken her with him. He had started to understand his wife, and he knew she was thinking that he didn't want her. So he had told her why he didn't inform her or ask her to go with him, then she had shared a few things with him. One thing had led to another and he had wasted no time in feeling her again.

He picked up his cellphone as he drove his Bentley dexterously with one hand. "Hey, Beatrice? Yeah, I'm running a bit late. Yeah, yeah, I'll be there in an hour. Just hold them, okay?" Then he cut the call and looked at her. "Let's go and grab something to eat!"

He stopped the car and parked it in a secure space on the park. Then he came out, held her hand and walked to a nearby food stall. Lincoln Park was beautiful, and right in front of them, was a still lake that seemed like a painted picture. She breathed. "Oh, it's so beautiful! I haven't been to Jersey, you know."

"Never? It's just two hours from New York!"

"I've---never been pretty much, anywhere." She fell dreadfully silent and once again, he wanted to kill Sanjeev for the umpteenth time.

"Well, where do you wanna go, the most?" He asked, looking at her. She looked calm, and her eyes were resting on the waters of the lake. "What's your dream?"

She chuckled. "Well, I--really wanna visit India once again."

"Okay, I'll take you! When do you wanna go?" He didn't know why the hell was he so excited. But he was absolutely thrilled to fulfill one of her wishes, like she was someone he loved.


She turned around towards him, her face in a line of bafflement. "What do you mean when? Ben, it's just a wish, it's-"

"Shut up, Sarah! Tell me, when do you wanna go? One week from now, is that okay? Hmm? Shall I book the flight tickets today? Huh?" He knew he was blabbering like a lunatic but he couldn't help it.

She shook her head, smiling. "Calm--calm's not required! I mean, I don't want you to spend so much money on me, you've done enough. Now come on, let's have some chicken rolls." She held his hand and took him to the food stall.

But his mind resonated with the thought that had just popped up in his mind. Did he love her? Did he, no, no, of course, not. Sarah was very important to him, that was true but love? No, he wasn't capable of loving someone romantically, was he?

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