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2 years later

Sarah had to balance the tray of chicken popcorn and virgin pinacolada. She stumbled and looked down to see Hope running towards her. "No, no, Hope, my love, please, slow down..."

"Babe!" Ben ran and grabbed the little, two-year old in his arms and sat her up on his shoulder. "Don't disturb your aunt Sarah, let's go play, okay?" He gave her a wink and went to the opposite direction.

She walked towards the garden, keeping the plates on the white, furnished round table. Behind her, Jean came along with a plate of fries and some wine glasses. It was a family picnic, just in the garden of Alex's house in Texas. A garden everyone loved.

Faith was dragging Vivian out. "Come on, we'll enjoy!"

"Uh, no, Faith, I'm not well!" He persisted, yet couldn't help but let himself be dragged by his dear sister in law.

Richard and Alex were in the kitchen, preparing something special for the picnic. The weather was just right, Sarah thought, looking at the clear, blue sky. It was not that hot, or cold. It was just a perfect day which was sunny and bright with cool breezes that touched your face in a humbling way. She poured white wine in five glasses. The bottle of wine was kept on the table already. She looked at the sky again, breathing out loud.

"Oh, I'm not having wine, babe. Don't pour for me..." Jean instructed, sitting on one of the chairs.

"Oh, so am I." She retorted back and something struck her. "Jean, are you-"

"You too?" Jean flapped her red hair lusciously, placing her arms on the table, excited.

"You too, what? What's happening, girls?" Faith came towards them, a puzzled look on her face.

"It seems we both are," Jean started.

"Pregnant." Sarah finished the line and felt her cheeks getting flushed.

Vivian who had previously no interest in joining then, came running, his face knotting up in shock. "What the actual heck? Double pregnancy! I thought it only happened in rom-coms."

"Life's nothing less than a rom-com." Faith gleamed, her face getting extremely pretty with the wide smile that had adorned her face.

"Does Rich know?" Sarah asked, perturbed.

"Hmm, he does. Ben?"

She had no answer to give to Jean. She hadn't told him yet. A week ago she had found out, still she couldn't muster up the courage to tell him. What if he gets angry? No. He was always patient and kind, especially with her. He had accepted the goodness of a marriage because he had fallen in love with her but a baby? What if he still couldn't think about starting a family? She couldn't force him.

And that's what scared her. He was a good man, and if she told him, he would leave everything and be with her, yet she didn't want him to do it out of obligation, she wanted him to do it because he wanted to, he loved to. She shook her head at Jean. "No. Not yet."

"Girl, what are you waiting for?" Jean jabbed at her.

"Stop, Jeanie." Faith gave her a glare and looked at Sarah. "What is really the matter here, love? Why haven't you told him yet?"

Sarah took a deep breath. "You all know how our marriage started. It was forced. It was a deal. Before me, he couldn't even think of marriage and family because of his past. Now, he's starting to get comfortable in this relationship, he loves me, and I don't know if he's ready to accept a baby. I mean--wouldn't it be pushing him too far out of his comfort zone, as of now?"

"But, babe, Ben is a great person and he will-" Jean sounded agitated.

"He will accept the baby, I know. He's too good, but I want him to accept our baby not just out of responsibility, you know. I want him to accept our baby because he wants to, because he's ready."

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