Chapter Twenty One

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He buried his face deeper into her neck, and Sarah felt nice, wonderfully mellow and dreamy. She couldn't abandon the feeling that was rousing in her mind; a subtle yet powerful feeling of joy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, something she hadn't done ever before, and stood on tiptoes to match his dazzling height.

"Thank you," His voice was mushy, melting from his mouth in a trippy dizziness.

"It's alright, you've done more--" She was about to say when he shushed her, pushing his face further into the nape her neck, inhaling her scent.

"Don't say anything." He was sudden and fierce, his arms wrapped around her waist in an unbelievably tight grip.

"Okay." She mumbled, letting the alien feeling wash over her. "Ben,"

"Hmm," He sounded absent-minded.

"Thank you."

He pulled out of the hug. "Why?" There was a crease formed on his forehead, and with his spectacles loosely set over his eyes, he looked so dreamy.

She gulped down her desires, resting her hands on both his shoulders. "For everything. For gifting me the phone, and for the clothes, I--I don't know what to say."

His grip around her waist grew strong and she couldn't help but hold her breath. "Don't. Say. Anything." He leveled each word, emphasizing their weight.

She cupped his cheek, caressing her dainty little fingertips on his skin. She felt him shudder in a mindless little tremor. "Oh, you---you--" His words failed to come out, and somehow, that aroused her. He was affected by her.

God, what?

His hands moved slowly from her waist to her shoulders, all the while, grazing her body with his palm. She didn't believe any of this was happening. "What are you doing?" She breathed.

"Nothing," He whispered in his own daze, and continued to stroke her skin with his warm fingertips. "God, you're beautiful."

She blushed, her heart filling with an unknown kind of emotion she couldn't decipher. "Thank you. No one's ever called me that, before."

"I don't...understand why..." He chuckled. "You''re beautiful."

Why? She didn't even wanna remember. Compliments was a far fetched thing, her father didn't ever take a good look at her except for punishing her and starving her. And her mother had always kept mum due to him. So, basically, her family had never showered her with praises about herself, or her looks.

"Hmm," She knew if she stayed longer in his warmth, she would give in to him, and completely surrender. No, she couldn't do that. Her freedom was too important. "I think we should go to sleep. We have lots of arrangements to do tomorrow."

He left her with a jerk. Then, with a sigh, he looked at her. "Thanks, again. I'm gonna go to the washroom, so yeah,"

She watched him enter the washroom and then sat down. The cloud of feelings poured heavily on her and for a second, she couldn't move. All she wanted to do was kiss him. All she could wonder about was how soft and moist his lips would feel against hers? Would they be warm? Or cold, just like hers?

She had never gotten curious about a man, before. It was because she didn't have permission to go close to the opposite sex, but now she was married, and though it wasn't proper, she still had to stay close to him. Act like his loving, pregnant wife, at least in front of Alex and Faith.

She decided to shrug off the inconsiderate thoughts. For the time being, she had to remember that the papers her father so jeeringly needed, was here. In Alex's safe. In the study room. She had to get her hands on them, somehow. From tomorrow, arrangements were gonna start with full force, and she knew she wouldn't get any time, henceforth. She lied on the bed, pretending to close her eyes.

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