Chapter Fifty

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Sarah knew it was the end. The morning had just arrived, and so had her father, bellowing into her room like a lunatic. He had gotten to know the papers were fake, just a copy of the original one. She had tried to reason with him, but he had rushed out of the room, calling Abraham and speaking to him.

She knew she had no choice. She couldn't go to Abraham. She would rather die. But death meant she had to part ways with Ben. Instinctively, she had called him, but it went straight to voice mail. She had called him, again, and again, and again. She had dropped her phone aside, realising her father was in the room.

"Get ready." He had shouted.

She has gotten ready, praying diligently to God. Please pick up the phone, please, call me back. Her mind had been rushing with these thoughts when his name flashed on her mobile screen. She picked it up, a feeling of despair washing over her. She had told him it was the last time they were talking, and also given him a hint about Sanjeev knowing. She didn't know but she didn't wanna put him in danger.

She had disconnected the call, she hadn't told him where she was going because she knew if he came for her, he would be hurt. Abraham would kill him. She knew what her father was capable of, that man could murder without any tinge of conscience. So she put her phone in her bag and huddled downstairs, throwing the first dress she could find.

She mentally plotted a plan. She would get in the car with her father but not get out. She would escape midway. How she would do that, she had no idea. She got inside the car, clutching her bag tight to her chest. The car started, her father driving in full speed, his face all red with anger. She used to be scared of his anger, before. Now, it seemed like a normal thing and she didn't even flinch noticing the waves of wrath that knotted his face into a cruel frown.

She didn't feel scared. Not anymore. It was as if the feeling of fear had dissipated from her system. Somehow, she had managed to set herself free from him. Ben wasn't in her mind, now. Even if he didn't come to save her, she would save herself, she knew that. The dock was approaching. She had heard that Abraham always travelled to places in cruise, and whenever he came, he brought different kinds of drugs. And his father was one of his dealers. He would take them and sell them in high prices.

She already knew that he used to illegally sell those drugs from many outlets of Isabella Group. She knew so much, and that's why he used to restrict her and not let her go anywhere, lest she told that to someone else. She had threatened him a lot of times before, shrieking and crying. This time, however, she was over crying.

"So, what drugs are you buying today? Heroin, Cocaine, Cannabis?" She asked, her voice as steady as rail.

He laughed. "She talks, doesn't she? Eh, I'm buying all of them. Restocking, you know."

"Ben knows that you sell them from Isabella Hotels, and those papers are fake, he's still CEO, then, why are you restocking? Do you think he'll let you continue this freak show?"

"Let me? My hands won't shake a bit when I kill him. But not now, I'll not kill him before I ruin your life. You're responsible for all of this!" He screamed.

She didn't budge, she just listened. "I gave you one damn job! To stay away from him and get me the papers! But, no! You had to get seduced by him, and you had to fall in love!" He mimicked her. "He'll be forced to give me the real papers!"


"Because he called me. He told me he's coming with the papers. He said that nothing should happen to you."

Ben had called him? It was his plan to unmask him in front of media three days later. But now that her father was forcefully taking her away, she knew the showdown was gonna happen today. But he never said he would give him the papers. Was he bluffing?

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