Chapter Forty Two

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Sarah watched him leave. She didn't accompany him to the airport, he had told her she didn't need to. He had kissed her and wished her well, before he had taken his backpack and went rushing out of the door. Her heart broke, more mercilessly than it had even broken before. Somehow, she knew she was going to lose seven days out of two weeks, and had even lesser time with him now.

Tired and not wanting to go to her classes today, she felt miserable. She sat on the sofa, stretched her arms and legs and opened her book that was sitting lazily on the glass centre table. This book was one of her favourites, it was a psychological thriller named The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. She had grown to love it since the onset of her academics in Psychology. The book had such twists that were equally mind-bending and still psychologically reasonable.

Flipping through the pages, she immersed herself in the descriptive journey of the character and when the bell rang, she shuddered, her concentration loosening up into crumbles. Who could be here at this time? Rob usually came in afternoons, was he earlt today? Considering that rare possibility, she marked the page with a pretty, Christmas-themed bookmark and walked towards the front door.

She opened it and immediately her eyes widened in bewilderment.

Outside the door was Jean, her red hair bouncing heavily with the silky tresses that had come across her face. Her blue eyes twinkled and the freckles on her nose looked vibrant than ever. The blue leather jacket over her black short dress looked amazing on her and appealed to Sarah more than anything. "Jean! My goodness! What are you--doing here?"

Sarah hugged Jean, happiness and excitement bubbling inside of her. Jean chuckled, signalling at the suitcase beside her. "I'm here to give you company! Guess what? I'm not alone."

There was a tranquil silence. Sarah held her breath and as Jean moved, Faith popped up from behind, a serene smile on her lips. "I'm here, too!"

Faith came like a vision, dressed in a white formal shirt and black wide-legged trousers looking perfect with her blond hair open, just clipped at the back with a small Korean clip. Her soft brown eyes sparkled. Sarah huffed, disbelief made her mouth gape open. "My god! What's going on! Oh, Faith..." She hugged the blond lady, laughing and giggling.

"Come on, come inside..." Sarah nudged them inside, and a look at their suitcase told her that it was all Ben's plan.

"We've come to stay, as you can see. But just for a week! Then you'll be back with your loving husband." Jean made moony eyes.

Faith splattered herself on the sofa. "Ugh, Ben almost had a fight with Alex. He literally said so many things to Ben for asking me to come here! But finally, Alex gave in to his best friend's request!"

She smiled and continued, twirling her blond hair. "And I wanted to be come too, and Alex doesn't say no to me." There was a proud smile on her face.

"We all know that!" Jean joked, and averted her gaze to Sarah. "So tell me babe, how have you been?"

Sarah blushed, remembering the days she had spent with Ben. She had laughed, she had cried; he had given her every happiness. The ring shone mercilessly on her hand. "I've been great! I--I joined my Masters program again."

Faith gave a squeal. "That's such a good news! This calls for a celebration!"

Jean plopped herself on the sofa beside Faith and clapped her hands. "Yes, yes!"

Sarah chuckled. "Of course, girls. We'll celebrate! So, what should I cook?"

Faith groaned. "Why would you cook? We'll go out together!"

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