Chapter Fourteen

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Ben wanted to kill himself. He had gone up and told her not to come in front of him in wet clothes. Fuck. It was her body, her choice, he couldn't just restrict her from doing anything just because he couldn't keep it in his pants. God, he felt restless as he walked back and forth into the room, hearing the shower run in the bathroom. He had been absolutely shocked when he saw her sitting on his lap, exacting on top of his shaft, and that had made him so very hard to breathe.

He had almost gasped and moaned, and cursed his action of pulling her towards him in his sleep. Then, she had gotten up, after rubbing all over him and making him a shaky mess of sexual feelings, she had went to the bathroom, and then had come out in wet clothes. Seeing her petite body completely drenched, and the thin material of the orange dress had showed too much of her skin. Ah, her skin, the lightest shade of wheat. He walked more briskly than before, trying to sweat out his intense desire.

It was an enough complicated relationship. He didn't need to add a sexual quotient into it to make it all the more interestingly hellish. She was asexual, for Christ's sake. And moreover, thinking like this would only cause trouble and pain. The door of the bathroom clicked open, and he got alarmed, noticing her coming out of it in a pair of white jeans and a yellow top with a picture of sunflower drawn on it. Her hair was wet, and she pulled out the wrapped the towel from her head, and twitched it, letting her wet hairs loosen up and get untangled.

He just stood there, watching her. She was standing in front of the mirror, and her back was facing him. At first, she was just doing her own job of combing her thick, black hair but then she looked in the mirror, not at herself but at him, ogling her. He dismissed his eyes right away, looking down and cussing himself for behaving like a hormonally unstable teenager. She turned around, pressing herself on the counter in front of the mirror, stretching her arms and keeping them at her back.

He upheld his eyes at her, seeing that she was looking at him and gulping down her saliva. She seemed restless too, utterly tensed. She kept on looking at and away from him, not moving an inch from where she was standing. He didn't know what to do, so he went ahead and acted like a dumbhead. He marched towards her, as if in a psychological trance, cupped her face with both of his palms and then plasted his lips on hers, smooching her until he was out of breath. Then, he pulled away, almost too suddenly and stumbled back, regret eating him alive.

She didn't move an inch. There was a silence of a few moments before something shocking happened. She took a step towards him, circled her arms around his neck and kissed him. Just like that. She nibbled on his bottom lip, asking for access further inside. His heart thudded loudly against his chest as he induced his deepest participation in the event and grabbed her waist tightly, opening his mouth for hers like a hungry animal. He pulled her towards him by her waist, until every ounce of her was pressed onto every ounce of him.

He felt the same static electricity from her as he kissed her more thoroughly, exploring every part of her mouth. Then she pushed him away, most obviously. "God, I'm so sorry," she chanted, forcing herself away from him and wiping off her lips as if it disgusted her.

He stable his excessively unstable breath and then shook his head. "No, no, I'm--I'm sorry. It was--my fault."

He felt like a pathetic bastard. He watched her go back to her usual routine of combing her hair, but the air around them had grown to be intensely awkward and to avoid any of mishaps happening again, he decided to take a quick shower and freshen up.


By the time they checked out of the hotel and sat back in the car, it was twelve past noon. He avoided even looking at her. He had felt sexual around many women, so she wasn't any different; he could spend a night with any woman, just not her. She was supposedly his 'forced wife' and also an 'asexual' so there was no reason to make it more complex than it already was.

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