Chapter Twelve

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Ben could feel his shoulders and arms aching up convincingly. It was way past twelve, and the sky was thick with darkness. The drive from Memphis had completed an approximate time of six hours and they were gonna reach Dallas within a few more minutes. Beside him, Sarah was sleeping, not comfortably, yet she had fitted perfectly in the luxurious seat, had dropped her head down and closed her eyes, not moving an inch.

He unknowingly smiled at that. His entire body was paining, he had been driving the car for nine hours non-stop and at this point, he needed a break. He stopped the car at the side of the road, switching the engine off. He dropped back his head and surrendered, feeling the cushion of the seat touch the back of his body like a soft pillow. He closed his eyes.

He snap opened his eyes after sometime, his body suddenly aware of the surroundings. It was nightime, and it was an empty road, with shops lined across both the sides. He looked up to see her still soundly asleep. He didn't wanna disturb her, but he was feeling hungry, and it was his responsibility to ask her if she wanted to eat something.

He cleared his throat. "Ah, Sarah? Hey, wake up, hey." His voice was low, and she stirred in sleep, but didn't wake up. He shoved her lightly on her arm. "Hey!"

She woke up abruptly, her hair jilted all over her face, and she sniffed. "God, what happened?" She shrieked, unpleasantly surprised at the sudden call for assistance. She looked at him, her eyes dazed and half-opened. "Sorry, I slept,"

He nodded, unable to take his eyes off of her face. She was....pretty, he had to admit. Not in the most traditional ways like having silken golden hair, bright coloured eyes or thick lips. She was good-looking in a non-traditional and secular way, her hair was as black as night sea, overlining the seashore in pure moonlight, and her skin was as warm as roasted wheat grains, rich and golden in the nightime as it glowed miraculously. And her eyes, they were dark and deeply brown, a deeper shade than her skin and it made her look so rich and beautiful.

Her Indian looks baffled him. There was a kind of subtle richness to her, she looked glowing, she looked healthy, instead of being short and petite. "Hello? Ben?" Her cheeks turned crimson red, and noticing that, he quickly dismissed her scrutinizing gaze from her.

"Ah, sorry to...interrupt...are you---hungry? Do you wanna eat something?"

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but shut it again, shaking her head. "No, no, it's fine."

He didn't know why but he didn't believe her. It had been six freaking hours! After they had eaten in Memphis, he had stopped in Jackson and bought some packeted foods, chips, fries and juice boxes for the rest of the journey but they weren't enough. The drive had tired him so much, and now he needed to eat something solid. "Are you worried about money, again?"

He got no answer. He was infuriated now. What did she thinks of herself? Earlier in the taco shop, she had offered him money for buying her a small taco plate, and that had annoyed the living hell out of him. As much as he admired and respected independent women who tackled their own finances and expenses, he didn't know why but hearing her wanna pay for something as menial and small as a taco, angered him. It had felt as if it was his freaking responsibility to buy her food.

His whole body shook. Yes, maybe, it was a forced relationship or whatever the hell it was, she didn't deserve unkind behaviour, neither did he. Hence, the time they would have to be together, live under one roof and share the same space, he would take care of all her needs. It was human, enough.

"Sarah, I've been fucking driving this car for nine hours! So, please, tell me if you're hungry, okay? Cause, I, bloody am!" He shouted, totally losing his cool.

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