Chapter Thirty Five

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Next thing she knew, they were kissing like mad. After saying that he was locking her up with him, Sarah felt his mouth hungrily descend on hers, imprinting her every breath with his own scent. She swirled her arms around his neck and responded to the kiss. He felt so good, she sighed, desperate to feel him against her own whimpering self.

"Baby, I want you so, so, much." He whispered, attacking her neck with an array of kisses, deep delving kisses that seemed to leave her short of breath.

She looked at him, her own heart beating rapidly. "I want you...too."

It added fuel to the fire. He stroked her skin, and put her up in his arms, and tumbling with need, he lied on the bed on top of her. He began to kiss her again, unbuttoning his pants. She felt magical as she realised just how aroused she was. She didn't even know she had this kind of desire in her. She wanted him so much. She had been so scared yesterday, after that heated passion that she had shared with him, how could she go back to normal?

She was changed. Nothing in her body or soul seemed hers. But deep down, she felt panic rising in her system. He had gotten to know her father was abusive, and that was a relief. Relief because he didn't know the real reason she married him yet. Pain began to rack her body. Her mind getting distracted by everything; what would happen if he got to know why she married him? What if he hated her? Her body wracked in a shiver and he groaned thinking she had done it in her passion. But it was a shiver of shambling fear that dissuaded her nerves.

As he kept kissing her neck, her heart wrenched in her chest, the pain dissipating everywhere. She knew a fragment of his past now; his mother left him, betrayed him, abandoned him, and she knew he hated lies. He hated betrayal. If he knew that she had married him for her freedom in exchange of the company papers, he would hate her. He would break. And this man right here had become so important to her that if something happened to him, she would break, too.

Betraying him wasn't an option. It had stopped becoming an option since the moment he had told her he wanted her and then claimed her body and soul. She had stopped thinking about betraying him, let alone, actually doing it. She wouldn't hurt him. She couldn't. She knew her father would be angry, and as per the contract with her father, she would have to go to Abraham as his slave, yet any misfortune was welcomed. She didn't want freedom at the cost of Ben's happiness.

She came back to the reality when he stopped kissing her neck. Her husband was now looking deep into her eyes with a questioning look on his face. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm great. Couldn't be better." She didn't stutter, she answered as confidently as she could at that moment. She roped her arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to hers. "Don't stop." She whispered and once again, his mouth captured hers.

After a quick session where he had tasted the wetness between her thighs and made her climax, she felt him drop down on the bed beside her. He spooned her, catching her in his arms and pulling her closer to his body. This man surely loved to cuddle, she mused. Being lying around for what felt like ages, she looked up at the ceiling, the dim lights against the mint green of the walls, the illumination baffled her. She looked down, shifted towards him and facing him, intrigued at the innocence of his countenance.

He was sleeping soundly, one arm at the back of her head and one arm holding her waist, caging her. She sighed, caressing his hand that was resting on her navel area, creating patterns and outlining his skin with her fingertips. His skin was warm, and she felt lighted up in his presence. She pressed a longing kiss on his forehead and got up, gently removing his arm from her waist. The dawn had given its way to a beautiful morning. She didn't open the drapes, letting him sleep in peace.

Sauntering outside, she found herself in the kitchen, her stomach grumbling, rumbling and making all kinds of bizarre noises when it's hungry. She opened the classy, silver refrigerator which had much of nothing in it. She sighed. Didn't he eat at home? There were more than five packers of instant noodles, two cup noodles and also a few remnants of Chinese takeout dinner. Apart from that, there was only one half-emptied milk carton and an evacuated bag of cornflakes.

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