Chapter Twenty Four

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She was upset, Ben thought with a resounding sigh. Obviously, it was quite natural of her to feel bad. He hasn't spoke to her for two days, especially after he had kissed her so damn passionately. He had always been an intense lover, a passionate man with passionate feelings. But they were never so long-lasting. His passions were fleeting. Only this time, they weren't.

And he wanted to kill himself, for that.

He went to his room late at night after sending some emails on his phone, only to see Sarah sleeping on the bed, covering her head to toe with the duvet. He thought for a second and then slept beside her, not before constructing a wall of pillows in between. Honestly, he had zero faith in himself and his uncontrollable animal urges.

He couldn't think, anymore. Whatever he had done, it was wrong. He didn't wanna think of this. Closing his eyes reluctantly, he turned to the other side and took a deep breath. He started counting backwards, and mentally, when he was at fifty-five, he dozed off into oblivion.

The next day came much like the usual, only it wasn't. His sleep was disrupted by a sheer scream of a female voice. He got up drastically, blinking his eyes numerous times to rub off the remaining bit of fatigue from them. The place beside him was empty, the bedsheets rippled as she had slept on it. Sarah, he remembered her cosy sleep as she had snuggled closer to him past midnight, without her notice. He had felt so damn aroused that he practically had to distance himself from her, taking the edge of the bed.

Now that she wasn't here, the bed seemed large enough and unknowingly, he spread his arms and limbs, completely stretching out his tense muscles. But her smell was gone.

His mood suddenly fell and he sighed. She constantly smelled of coconut, how, he wasn't sure. Probably her shampoo. He got up from the bed like a thunderbolt had struck him, and then caressed the place beside him. She had been here. Next to him. Beside the bed, on the wooden chair, there was a wet towel splayed across, and a pair of night clothes she had worn last night; god, he could still identify that purple, satin, threadbare top and bottom.

In a trance, he galloped down from the bed and took the towel in his hand, it was still wet with water. Maybe, she had showered, changed her clothes and rushed downstairs. Holding the material close to his nose, he sniffed it. Yes, the same fragrance of fresh coconut filled his nasal passage with familiarity and kept inhaling three to four times to absorb that scent in his senses.

He took the towel with him and took a shower, letting the cold water run through his skin. Ultimately, he used the towel to clean up. He felt her essence spread rapidly through his skin into his entire body and honestly, he didn't know why he didn't take a fresh towel for himself. Quickly changing into his house clothes, that is, a pair of khaki shorts and a white oval neck t-shirt, he trod downstairs, partially to see whether Sarah was there, and to know the owner of that shrill scream that had woken him up in the first place.

There was a lot of people in the living room. For starters, Jean had arrived and sat herself on the sofa, her mouth in an array of sorrow. "I---don't know what will happen, god..." She mouthed, while Faith and Sarah hovered over her.

"Jean, take a deep breath. Everything will be fine," Faith wiped off her own perspiration.

Sarah huffed. "We'll do something, I promise. Faith, take it out." Her tone was authoritative.

Ben stood there, incredulous. What in the name of hell was wrong? He looked over at Alex who had a shocked look on his face. "Hey man, what's the problem? Was that---Faith who shouted?"

Alex, who had been sitting in a corner of the cushioned couch gaped up at him. "Yes." He sighed.

"Well, yes what? Tell me, what happened?" Ben's voice suddenly got loud and squeaky.

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