Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sarah woke up around six the next day. Her packing was almost done. She showered, brushed her teeth and applied some make-up on her face, getting into a pair of khaki pants along with a white, halter neck blouse. She trod downstairs, not before stealing a glance at Ben who was peacefully sleeping on the bed, with his messy curls spewing over his forehead, his duvet tucked neatly.

She couldn't believe herself. She had never experienced this kind of wanton desire for any man in her entire life. It was probably because of her father's excessive restrictions, still, this feeling of want was overwhelming her. It was to such a great extent that she had completely thrown off her dignity and embarrased herself in front of her forced husband. What had she done?

How would she ever face him again?

Shame made her cheeks go miraculously red and looking at the mirror, she grazed her lips with her thumb, the sensation of his lips still alive on her skin. She felt so small, she had literally begged him to take her. It was so meagre of her. He didn't want her, for God's sake! He didn't feel anything for her! She was just his forced wife.

She wasn't what he was to her. What was he to her? Husband? Lover? Nothing. But he meant a lot to her, she didn't know why. In the past few days, she had come to admire and respect the kind of man he was; sweet, caring, honest, playful. Most importantly, extremely kind and responsible.

Shrugging off the thoughts that made her weak, she ran downstairs, seeing Alex and Faith sitting on the couch while Richard and Jean had two suitcases below them. She came to face them and smiled. "Good morning, guys."

"Morning, babe. How are you feeling?" Jean asked, coming forward and hugging her. "Faith told me you were nauseous yesterday! So sorry you had to leave the celebration so soon."

Remembering the lie, Sarah couldn't help but remember the things that had ensued after that; how hastily they had come to the house, how lovely it was to be in his arms, how toe-curling his kisses were, and how humiliating his insult. She breathed deeply, "It's okay, honey. I'm good, now."

"Hey, Sarah, take care." Richard hummed, picking up the suitcase. "Jean, we gotta go!"

Sarah knew where they were headed. To Bora Bora Island for their honeymoon. She chuckled. "Yes, Richard. You both have a happy honeymoon!" She gave Jean a hug and then shook hands with Richard.

Alex and Faith said their goodbyes to the pair. "Bye guys! Enjoy tons!" Ben, who rattled down the stairs, shouted.

Richard and Jean left shortly and Vivian drove them to the airport in his black Lexus. Faith sighed. "Hm, they are so lucky!"

Alex, who was just as thrilled, smiled. "We are luckier, don't you think?"

Sarah kept on looking at them, trying to find meaning in their conversation.

"Why are we luckier?" Faith dipped her head towards her husband.

"Because, I'm taking my wife to Paris. Along with my daughter." Alex revealed, his green eyes in doubt.

"Really? Oh baby! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much!"

"Love you more, sweets."

Sarah was in awe. She had never seen relationships this pure. She smiled to herself but soon it went away when she realised a warm presence behind her. She shuddered. "Great! Enjoy tons!"

"Oh, thank you, Sarah." Alex mouthed, kissing on Faith's head and walking to the kitchen to get himself another glass of orange juice.

Faith nudged Sarah closer, enveloping her hands on her shoulders. "So, you guys are leaving, too, huh? Will miss you." The woman had fleeting tears in her eyes and Sarah wondered whether it was truly for her. "Come and visit anytime you want, dear. Even if Ben doesn't, okay?"

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