Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ben didn't know what happened. One moment they had decided to be friends, that whatever they had been feeling was wrong, and in the next, they were kissing. The mess had escalated pretty quickly when he found himself aroused by her mouth hungrily working on his own. For an asexual, she kissed pretty good. He was really liking it and didn't wanna stop. Except it was a party.


"Shit, shit, Sarah, people are watching..." He cursed, pulling out and truth be told, no one was even looking at them. "I mean, we need to go from here!"

Her face changed colours. In an instant, from bold and confident, she became dull again. Had she changed her mind and finally realised that it was a mistake?  Anyways, he wasn't a sex addict that he would die if she didn't let him touch her. More than that, he respected her, as he respected every other woman; he never crossed his boundaries without consent.


"Yes, I'm waiting in the car and you tell Alex that I'm sick, and my nausea is back." Her voice was light and mellow.

She wasn't drunk, was she?

Did she really wanna do it?

He knew he wanted to but everything she thought or believed mattered to him.  "O-kay."

With amusement lining his lips, he went to Alex and Faith, panting. "Guys, Sarah's not feeling well..."

"What happened?" Faith's eyes widened. "Oh my goodness, pregnancy nausea? I get it. Take her home."

"Really? Wasn't she dancing a few minutes before?" Alex rolled his eyes.

Hell. This man needed to know every damn thing.

Ben took a deep breath, controlling his sexual emotions for the time being. "Yes, she was dancing and then she told me that-"

"Honey, why are you teasing him? Sarah is not feeling well, let him go." Faith intercepted and Ben was thankful for that. It wasn't a strong command or anything, just a soft reasoning and just like that, Alex caved. 

"Okay, go then. Text me if you need anything. We'll be home in a few hours." Alex said and Ben nodded his head, sprinting backwards, towards the exit with his heart in his hands, throbbing with anticipation.

He had never felt this kind of nervousness before. Well, he'd had many one night stands or strings of non-committed relationships but he had never, not once, had felt this kind of wild anticipation coursing through his blood. He ran outside, going over to the parking lot and seeing a mayhem of cars. In that state of panic, he couldn't even recognize Alex's Lexus that had dropped them here. God, he had also forgotten to ask for the keys.

"Ben! Here!" Sarah was calling at him, from inside a cab.

This woman was something. He wanted to throw his head back and laugh. He rushed to the cab and leaped inside, looking at the driver. "47, Bernard Road, fast!" Banging the door to close it, he made himself closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist in the backseat. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Her eyes remained glued to him in a dull sort of way that seemed to annoy him. And then, just like the dawn receded to give way to sunlight, her eyes changed their colours, going from dark to light brown in a fraction of second and something glimmered there. Passion. "Yes, I do." She barely said those words out, her voice heavy with desire.

He kissed her again and again, until the driver had stopped the car and said that their destination had been reached. Quickly, he got down and shoved some cash in the driver's hand and went to the other side to open the door for her. Taking her by the hand, he dragged her towards the empty house, almost running, she followed. Once they were inside, there was a thick silence that had sheathed around them.

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