Chapter Forty Three

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Ben was standing in front of his penthouse door, the regal tan colour making his tired eyes ache with discomfort. It was midnight, the corridor had dim lighting and everything seemed to be the same. It had been a week, seven days had past. He had just returned from the airport and now that he was standing in front of his home, he had trouble knocking on the door. It was several minutes past twelve, he knew Sarah had a habit of sleeping early. But Faith and Jean were there, so maybe they hadn't fallen asleep yet.

He knocked very subtly, his knuckles barely touching the wooden door. He stopped immediately, backing off and stood there, holding his breath. He had gotten to know so much in these seven days; so much information was gathered up in his brain that for once for he thought his entire head was gonna blow up into pieces. many things she was hiding from him.

The door opened magically and she peeped outside. Her eyes shrunk with shock and then widened up in excitement. Her hair was made into a tight ponytail, and as his gaze travelled down, he noticed she was wearing a lacey pink top along with pink satin shorts. Her wheatish skin glowed incandescently against the dim lights of the corridor and there was pinkness around her cheeks. She was flushed.

Something came over him and he barged inside with his backpack. He dragged her with him, throwing his luggage on the floor and then shutting the door with his hand while his other hand coaxed her face into a tight grip. She whimpered. "You're home." She made a soft noise at the back of her throat.

The door was locked, and now the living room was basking in darkness. The moonlight from the large open window came soaring inside and that white light illuminated her face. "I'm home..."

"Promise you won't leave again? Promise you'll take me everywhere you go? I'll not be in your way, I promise---I just want to be close to you..." Her voice shook and she clutched his arm, not wanting to let go.

He felt the ache go away. He would make everything right if she was by his side. "Yes...yes, I promise, baby. I missed you so much!" He hugged her, circling his arms around her waist, pushing his face at the nape of her neck, inhaling her scent which he longed for.

"Did you?"

He breathed against her skin, hot and tangible. "I went on a lot of trips. But this time, I was so homesick. I was missing home, I was missing the kitchen, in my my arms...You're becoming a very dangerous habit of mine."

"I'm not dangerous." She mumbled, snaking her arms around his neck.

"What if you are?"

"You really think that?" She asked, her eyes looking at his soul.

She was in his arms. She felt so good, she was made to be his. Whatever he had gotten to know, he would think on those things but she wasn't dangerous, he knew that. She couldn't be. "No."

She sighed in relief. "So...go and get some rest, okay?"

He nodded. Loosening up his tie and walked towards his room, tracing his steps in the dark while she followed him, intending to go to her room where Faith and Jean were sound asleep. As she was about to enter her room, he gripped her wrist and dragged her inside his room. He shut the door and turned on the lights while she stood there, bedazzled and shocked. His room had been the same. A few things had been moved, and Rob had cleaned it everyday for it was just as clean and fresh as he had left it.

He approached Sarah who had her back pinned to the door, her eyes fearful and dark. "Let me see you...." He cupped her left cheek, her face fitting perfectly in his large palm. He caressed her skin and a moan escaped her.

"They are in the other room, I have to must be tired. I--"

"Stop talking," He inched closer, looping his arm on her waist. There was no tangible gap between their bodies now. "don't say a thing. Let me feel you...please."

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