Chapter Thirty Two

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Ben could feel his breath betray him the second he came face to face with Mrs. Dansing. The name stabbed him in the back. Dansing. God, it was too painful for him, too hurting. He had come home long ago, barely knowing what to do and how to go about his day. So he had avoided going to office.

Shit, he had known somewhere in his heart the moment Sarah had told him her professor's name. Dansing could be anyone's last name but he didn't believe his good luck. Everything had to go wrong in his life. His heart ran faster as he swirled and sat on the couch, his mind going thousand kilometers per hour. His mother, Veronica Williams, sorry, currently Mrs. Dansing was a terrible mother as she was a good wife.

Yes, she was great wife. She took care of his alcoholic and drug addict father like a maid, yet when she had started her fling with her lover, she had used that husband by stealing all the liquid cash from the safe and run away. As a mother, she was never good, not even decent. She used to do all sorts of parenting mistakes, cook foods he was allergic to, ignore parent teacher meetings, misbehave with all his friends and never taking out the time to spend with him.

He had hated her so much, and when she ran away, it was the last hit. Henceforth, he had learned to absorb that hatred and didn't let it affect him. It was only until he saw her today. That primal need to scream the hell out of him purged in his blood and he tried bloody hard to control the pure wrath that was rising in him.

"Ben? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

A voice shook him, and he saw Sarah entering through the door in haste, her books clutched tightly to her chest, her face in a knot of fear. Her hair was made into a bun, and all he wanted to do was open it to enjoy the luscious waves of her black hair. But the anger was eating him alive. The earth was indeed small and round, and his mother had to be his wife's teacher. Just great!

"Don't come close, Sarah, just--please." He practically begged her though his voice seemed incredibly harsh as he was bottling up that wrath inside him.

She quirked up her eyebrows. "Are you sure you're okay? Why did you leave like that? The minute you saw Mrs. Dansing, you-"

"I told you I'm okay! Why are you not getting it?" It was a shout he never thought he would unleash. Especially on Sarah.

She staggered, taking a step back from him. Yeah, he deserved that. "Why--are you shouting? Are you mad at me?" She whispered, her eyes welling up.

"No! No! No! I'm not mad at you! I'm not mad at anyone! I'm just fucking angry and dejected at myself!" He screamed again, and at this moment of time, his voice couldn't remain at a normal tonality. His violence was coming out.

He took a deep breath and gave a strike at the nearest center table which fell to the floor with a loud thud, and then he screamed like a maniac. He felt the need to release his emotions and he only had one way he used in childhood. What if it worked in adulthood as well; breaking things. He took the flower vase and shattered it on the floor and one by one, the kitchen counter had no more glass utensils left. All of them had been broken mercilessly to the ground.

In his fit of rage, it had completely skipped his mind that there was a person standing to witness all this. He looked at her, his breaths all evaporating to massive gasps. Her eyes had stopped welling up and the look of sorrow was now replaced with plain and raw fear. She was afraid of him, oh god, he was a monster. Her hands shook and he noticed she was exerting a great deal of effort to hold her books together.

Massaging his temples in an anticlockwise motion, he took long strides towards her. "Sarah...."

She shook her head. "I---what did I do?" Her voice showed how scared she was and it seemed as if she expected some kind of punishment from him.

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