Chapter Forty One

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Ben found himself drowning in his wife's thoughts. Yesterday night, she had come to his room and slept with him. She had told him she loved him. What broke his heart was he wanted to say it back, but eventually, controlled himself. As the clock in his cabin struck eleven, his phone beeped with a few emails. He opened them on his laptop, his eyes hooded with concentration.

There were a few pictures, and a few other sensitive files. He sighed. "Thank you, Riley." He said to himself, going on to himself.

He decided to let go of the things and then concentrated on his work. All the while, his mind went back to Sarah who was probably doing her classes now. He forwaded the mails to Vikar and within a few minutes, he received a call from him. "Did you see, Vik?"

Vikar huffed on the other end of the line, "Yeah, mate. I knew something was up. Does Alex know?"

"No." Ben whispered. "Not yet. I will check on the hotels and resorts, myself."

"Wish I could join you, but I have to be in  Greece after I give you that document, o fílos mou."

Ben chuckled. "It's okay. I'll do it alone."

"If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask." Vikar disconnected the call shortly after.

After today, he knew he had to be gone for a few days. Sanjeev was planning something in the future, that involved Sarah, and he still didn't have any clue. If he could just catch him red-handed, he would have a chance to know. He had gotten information that Sanjeev was illegally exporting drugs right from some hidden chambers in the Isabella Group Hotels of India, Nepal and Bhutan.

He had also heard that a few of the resorts in Long Island, Queens and a few other cities. He immediately called the managers of all the hotels, discussing this in sheer confidentiality. Some staff was involved in this, but the managers were familiar to him. He had selected many of them in their screening process and Alex had each one of them searched and investigated.

The only person Alex trusted blindly was Sanjeev. And that was a mistake. Ben was going to prove it to him that he had been right all along. His heart ached. He had to be out for one week, that meant he had to stay away from Sarah for seven freaking days. How would he survive?

He laughed at his own thoughts. What had become of him? He had become just like Alex and Rich, completely and incandescently happy and in love. He used gag at Alex's constant obsession for Faith, he used to roll his eyes at Rich mooning over Jean. But now, the tables were turned, and he was feeling the same thing. He was missing his wife and his heart fluttered.

He knew something was very wrong. Sanjeev was planning something for Sarah, something very bad, he knew that from his sources. Alex had helped him appoint Riley but his friend still didn't know about Sanjeev's businesses, he just knew about that abuse thing. Once again, his blood boiled with pure wrath, his mind racing with ideas. He had always complimented himself regarding his intellect, but this time around, it was necessary to prove just how fucking clever he was.

How would he make Sarah understand?

She would wanna go with him, but it wasn't possible. He couldn't divulge the information to her as yet. He didn't know what was going on in her mind and risking her life wasn't an option. First, he needed to confirm two important things, and after he was done, he would do what any man in love would do; he would grab her and kiss her and make her his, forever.

The pain started at first like a slow burn but then it magnified. His heart hurt. When he was feeling like he was gonna die, Maurice came dashing through the cabin. "Sir, your wife is here!"

Life came back to him. She had decided to take the part time job here. He looked at his watch, it was one-thirty in the afternoon which meant her classes were over. He huffed. "God, send her in, first."

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