Chapter Eight

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As if in a trance, Sarah went towards him, circling her arms around his neck. "Thank you, you don't how but you've saved me." The realisation that staying here would keep her away from Sanjeev, at least for the time being, made her euphoric with joy.

Ben wrapped his arms around her waist, a sense of intoxication clouding his mind into a mist of unnecessary thoughts. He felt her shiver, and for a reason unknown, he made patterns on her skin, and noticed her wince out in pleasure. Her eyes were dazed, and her lips gaped open. She was looking at him, really looking at him, seeing through him, and he could feel apprehension rising up his stomach like hot liquid, like she was seeing so many things in him. Feeling utterly vulnerable, he breathed a sigh of caution.

"Sir, the room is ready." Rob interrupted, and after hearing his voice, Ben jerked away from her. She was wearing a sleeveless blouse, and her skin was having goosebumps. He noticed that.

"Should--should, I go?" She asked him, suddenly too quiet.

There was a fire in her eyes when he had touched her. Now, the brown colour was back to being bleak. "Ah, yeah. And--settle down. If you need anything,"

"I'll not disturb you, I promise." She mumbled, keeping her head down and walking towards Rob.

"Call Rob, if you have any problem. Take his number." He bit out a solution.

He was holding his breath for God knew how long. Until the moment he heard her walk into her room, he held it, and then slowly, he released the air he had been holding captive. God. This was only the first day and he had started noticing such small things about her. Like, many things, the way she shivered when his skin made contact with hers, the way her eyes lit up and then dulled at the next instance. His touch made her so affected and the fact ignited his interest.

Didn't Sanjeev say she was asexual?

Well, he knew what an asexual was.

People who lacked sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. Well, that's why, he had agreed to this marriage with much greater will. If she didn't have any interest in intimacy, why did she shiver like that when he touched her? Of course, it wasn't a question he would like to explore.

He had always been a lover of mystery. He had been playful, engaging in playful, sexual encounters. He wanted things temporary. And Sarah seemed like the biggest mystery as of now. The way she carried herself, so quietly, as if she wouldn't dare disrupt anything or anyone. He had noticed how she had shriveled dry in front of Sanjeev, and he didn't know why but that family was weird and strange.

It seemed like everyone was afraid of Sanjeev. His wife, and his daughter, Sarah. But he wasn't. He couldn't care less about that old bastard! He had backed him off against the wall and forced him to marry. He would never forgive him and fear? He didn't fear that man. He loathed him!

Ben loosened his tie, growing utterly frustrated at his fate. His phone rang, shunning his thoughts. "Hello, Patrick--" Before he could continue any further, there was a disconnection and with a beep, the line buffered.

"He--hello, Ben? Are you there?"

"Yes. What's up?"

The governor coughed. "Ah, have you started preparing the consent letters and legal framework?"

Ben had no answer. How would he? He had just gotten fucking married to get that damn consent letter! He breathed into the air, letting his anger die out. "I haven't gotten all of the consent letters yet. This is a government project, Patrick, and believe me, I know the intense amount of paperwork you need. The consent letters are all written by the shareholders but their lawyers need time drafting it."

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