Chapter Forty Nine

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Ben was in front of Alex's house in Queens. He knocked on the door which was answered a few minutes later by Vivian who looked perturbed. "Who?"

He slid his hoodie off and raised his brow. Vivian laughed. "God, you look like a thief!"

He dashed inside, giving Vivian a glare and plopped himself on the couch. "Viv, can I please get a drink?"

Vivian shut the door, nodding his head full of golden hair, making his way into the kitchen. As soon as he saw that, he felt his head fall back on the couch, his eyes closing in fatigue. He hadn't had any form of rest this past week, and his head was aching with tiredness.

"Earth to Williams!"

He opened his eyes to see Alex and Richard standing in the middle of the stairs. The remark was passed by Alexander, the Great, of course. "Don't mess with me."

"I told you to rest. But no, you had to dash to Sanjeev's house to meet-"

He got irked. "I went to see my wife."

Richard sat on the couch, beside him. "Yeah, yeah, I support you. Did you tell her everything?"


"See, I'm not saying you did wrong by meeting her, it's just that Sanjeev is a clever, we have to mind our every move, Ben." Alex said in a stable voice, sitting on the couch, crossing his arms.

Ben huffed. "Yeah, I know, guys, it's just that--I wanted to meet her so much...she was thinking I hated her, and I needed to tell her otherwise."

Alex made a squeaky noise at the back of his throat. "Woah, you're really Benedict Williams, right?"

"Yeah, where's that casual, flirty, ladies' man?" Richard gagged.

Ben also didn't know where was that person. He was not the same, anymore. And it was all because of Sarah. That woman had changed him for the better, in all different ways. "I can say the same thing about you two." He shrugged.

Alex didn't argue, nor did Richie. He knew that even they had become victims of love, and still were. Alex loved Faith more than his life, and Rich was just obsessed with every little thing of Jean. Somewhere, he had grown to care very much for Sarah and there was no turning back.

"Let's go about the plan, once more." Alex opened a sheet of paper and began to draft the little details.

In midst of the plan, Vivian had brought them drinks. Just four cans of light beer to dissolve the stress of the day. As Vivian sipped the chill liquid, he cleared his throat. "I have informed Riley. He'll be here with us by tomorrow."

"Where is he? I thought he lived here? Didn't he, Alex?" Ben rolled his eyes.

Alex nodded. "Yeah, but he's wrapped up in some work, investigations regarding the theft of a historical item, I guess. After he helps us, he'll fly to Rajasthan for that mission."

Ben was left dumbstruck. "Wow, that man must be fearless!"

"Right now, you're the most fearless man here! You're in love with a drug dealer's daughter, and in three days, you're gonna have a showdown with him." Richard whistled, clapping his hands. "This is exactly the kind of drama I need in my life!"

Everyone was super supportive and Ben couldn't have asked for a more better family than them. Alex and Richie had left their job in order to help him, while Viv was missing his final year classes. Especially Alex. The green eyed man had been with him through thick and thin, and he had mercilessly told so many lies to him. He always had his doubts on Sanjeev, but he had never thought to investigate on him, if he had, he would be able to show Alex his real face before he could pollute the environment of Isabella Hotels.

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