Chapter Thirty Four

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Ben got up from his sleep and found out it was already dawn. Yes, they had made love last evening, and then Sarah had completely disappeared in her room. She didn't come back until it was dinner time and while he took the initiative of heating cup noodles for her, she refused to eat it, grabbed a banana and sauntered into her room, locking the door. Shit, he wanted her, again. When she went back to her room, he swore he could feel his shaft throbbing with an ache to be buried deep inside of her.

He wanted her. But now that he'd had her, he wanted her more. Well, more multiplied by ten-folds. That's how much.

Slurping the tasteless soup of the cup noodles, he evacuated the contents in less than ten minutes. Throwing away the empty packet in the dustbin, he kept her cup inside the refrigerator and stored it, lest she decided to eat something else. Feeling depressed and downhill, he went to his own room, shutting the door. What had he said to her? Did she feel bad? God, he couldn't even fucking remember what he had blabbered after their lovemaking session. He was too freaking intoxicated to measure his words carefully. She was very sensitive, so obviously he must have said something dumb and selfish.

By the way, lovemaking? Shit.

As he massaged his temples rigorously, his phone inside his sweatpants' pocket rang. It was Alex. He picked it up on the fourth ring. "Hey! What's up?"

"Just called to give you some juicy information. What about you, jerk?" Alex snorted on the other end of the line, his warm voice now mixed with playful banter.

"Seriously, do you get paid to cuss at me?"

"No, asshole. It's just my way of showing love. Remember, those nights in college?" The green-eyed man sounded as sultry as possible on phone.

Subtle, witty and vengeful comebacks?

Typical Alex, Ben sneered inwardly. "Okay, it was a cheap shot, I admit it. But I wanted to embarrass you..."

"In front of my wife, dickhead? She looks at me now with all judgemental glances as if I have really made love to you!"

Ben laughed. "Cool. So, she's mine now, right?"

"Hold your horses, Williams. That's Faith you're talking about." Alex's voice lost that humour.

"Yes, I know. And I--love her! I love Faith, and I respect her as my sister-in-law! But you know that already! You just like to scold me, that's it."

"Sounds about right." Alex chuckled. "Okay, so I got some clues about Sanjeev. I hired Riley again."

Riley? That long-haired Australian man with that thick accent? Oh, yeah, he was a private investigator. Ben nodded. "Okay, so? What--what did you find?"

"As of now, professionally, we haven't found any shady business--but--"

"But?" Ben waited in anticipation.

"He's abusive." Alex uttered and then everything went silent.

Ben knew it. He just knew it. He didn't know why but deep down, he had expected this. The way Sarah reacted to her father's name, it was odd. Also, all those bruises on her face and neck, he suddenly jerked up, his mind and body going numb by each passing second.

"Ben? Hey!" Alex screeched from the other end, making him jump.

"Uh, yes. Abusive--as--as in?"

Alex kept mum for a few seconds. "Riley caught hold of an ex-maid in Mehra Manor, and---well, she testified that Sanjeev, on several occasions--physically hit his daughter. I don't know who his daughter is, but-"

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