Chapter Forty Four

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It was an emotional scene. Jean and Faith had left, and Sarah felt unhappy. She didn't know why, yet she knew. It was because she knew she wouldn't be able to see them again. The door was closed on their way out, and something closed on her soul. Would she be able to fight alone?

Ben had returned yesterday, and upon seeing him, she had felt all her sorrows melt away. Freedom. It was a thing she wanted and needed in her life; to be able to live free, to be able to flap her wings and soar high in the sky. Currently, he was in his room, sitting on his desk and flipping through some documents after he had said his goodbyes to Faith and Jean.

Sarah sauntered into the kitchen and prepared a fresh batch of coffee with more milk, less sugar and strong coffee beans, just as he liked. She knocked on his door once, then felt stupid as he shouted a faint 'come in'. She entered with his cup and placed it on his desk, in front of him. She turned around to leave when he held her hand.

He sighed. "Why do you always knock, Sarah? It's our room. And I'm your husband, not your boss."

She knew all those things still she didn't know why she couldn't let go of all the formalities. A part of her felt weird at him calling her Sarah. Since the moment they had come closer, he had always called her with endearments. Her heart began to rumble, was he angry with her? She felt his hands leave hers and she instinctively flinched. "I know, I'm sorry."

He gasped, holding his head and fixing his eyes back on his laptop. He seemed tense, and he was deep into some work. She stood beside him for a long time, then deciding to leave, she turned around again. His hands grappled her waist and she was dragged down on his lap. "I didn't tell you to leave..."

"I didn't seem busy with work..."

"No work is more important than you." He whispered, shutting his laptop.

"I know. Still, you finish your work! Let me go and get ready..."


She smiled. "Of course."

He left her hand and stood up, towering over her small, petite frame. "Did you go to university these past few days?"

She nodded her head in negative. "Faith and Jean were here and--I wanted to spend as much time as I could--with them."

She wouldn't be able to meet them ever again. She looked at him, his eyes sparkling with bravery, the messy curls of his hair now sweeped up casually. He looked tired, and all she wanted was to hug him and give him peace. He needed rest. Since the moment he had returned, she knew he was restless and weary. She had sensed a kind of passive aggression in him. What was he so angry about?

He had told him about his childhood and she felt so grateful that he trusted her enough to share such sensitive details. But what scared her to the very core was she had told him about Abraham. What if he tried to find out about him? Abraham was a dangerous man and his knowledge could put Ben in danger. She wouldn't let that happen, not in a million years.

"You're acting as if you're never going to meet them again." His remark made her jump back to reality.

He dragged her towards him, looping his arms around her waist that had started to feel so natural, so beautiful. "Nobody has seen the future."

"That's true. Nobody knows the future. How do you know you're not gonna meet them?"

She knew because though she couldn't see the future, her father had promised her how it would be if she failed in her task. Which she had, by choice. "What if I can't?"


"What if something happens---to me? What if you can't see me, ever again?" She asked, her face perturbed as she glided her hand over the soft skin of his cheek and looked on.

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